Who was the guy Luisa sleep together with?
In that scene i thought it was the priest who fell in love with her but the face was darken nor revealed afterwards
shareIn that scene i thought it was the priest who fell in love with her but the face was darken nor revealed afterwards
shareSpoilers, dint read if you havent seen yet!******
She was not happy about it she was crying, she had tears rolling down her cheek, but she knew the truth that in real life it was over and that now he was just reliving the traumatic events as a nightmare, so she had to stop interfering and running to him in the night so that he'd realize it was gone, and It worked, it stopped for him that night, and was gone until the girl found the story he wrote down In the free all those years later.
i think it was still very cheap for the mother for not helping the son and sleeping with another man
Do you even have children?? If your kid can't sleep due to being
scared, you can't just sit up with them every night, they have to
learn that its bed time and to fall asleep, and that there are no
real monsters.
As viewers, when we first see this, it looks like it is mean, cause
if you haven't got the ending yet, then we think there is some thing
really there, when in fact there was no ghost after all.
the insensitive mother saw the ghost in church even then she wasa bitch Who didn't came to help her crying child.
agreed, these people who say that was cruel of the mother, prob don't have kids, not cruel.
shareexactly my point. Most of them even thought the
man she was with was the priest, lol.
They had it all messed up. The new man she
was with was a better parent, and knew
the the boy needed to go to sleep on
his own, and that his imagination was being
fueled my the mother, because she was
starting to see things also, even though
there was nothing sinister going on to
begin with.
i still DEFEND MY POINT,mother WAS TRULY AN INSENSITIVE BITCH FOR NOT Reaching Out To Her Screaming Son.
shareSure, if it was the first time ever he woke up in the
middle of the night crying, and she didnt check up on
this kid, than ya, that would be messed up, but
if its the 20th time in a row that he wakes up, then
you have to nip it in the bud.
a Mother is some one Who Goes 20 Times By Row For Her Child,If She Is A Caring And Sensitive One,Otherwise Who Cares ?
shareAre you even a mother? Or even a parent???
When its time for your child to go to bed
you can't let them keep getting up over and
over. Children will try to walk all over you
if you let them. Trust me, I have seen those
kids who are spoiled and don't have any
boundries and they grow up to be selfish a-holes.
Children need structure and guidance, and part
of that starts with going to bed a strict
time every night.
I know this was all written like 2 years ago... but I have 4 kids. And that woman was a bitch for not going to her screaming son! If my kids went through the trauma of almost being abducted and then watching their dad die, I'd never make them sleep alone ever again.
shareIt had nothing to do with her being a lustful widow and putting sex before her son, nor was she a bitch for not going to him.
When I first saw that scene I did think she should have comforted him, but when all is explained at the end of the film, you realise she was still filled with guilt about her ex husband falling to his death and about the truth she would have to bury in order for her son to recover from that dreadful night his father tried to abduct him.
Ordinarily, it would be quite heartless to leave a child in such a state but there were reasons why she lay there and none were to do with being selfish, lazy or lustful.