MovieChat Forums > Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) Discussion > The Colonel is the most likeable charact...

The Colonel is the most likeable character

He's the only one with a bit of personality. Zoe Saldana is okay too, but she was relegated to a minor role in this one.

Sam Worthington has all the charisma of a plank of wood.


Yet it was somewhat believable and very pretty to see. The fight scenes remain a strong point of Cameron's abilities.


Ike Clanton


I feel like they will go Darth Vader on him. Thats why Cameron didnt kill him and left him for sequels.

They gave him son who he cares about. And eventually he would understand that he cant be human anymore since he doesnt have human body and never will. That he is basically Na’Vi too. And that he has to live with them on their planet. As he cant go back on Earth. And humans for him look like some small gnomes.

This is very plausible route for him. That why they made up a son for him, to humanize him. He still thinks he is human, but all he has in only memories of dead human. The more time will pass - the more he has to start feeling like Na’Vi. Its inevitable. Maybe he will be captured like Jamie Lannister and have his own adventure into new world. Maybe with some woman-Na’Vi will be lost at some island and she will show him beauty of Pandora like Zoe Saldana did to Sam. Cameron doesnt have much fantasy so he can rehash his own old plot )))

At the end he will probably start helping Na’Vi people and sacrifice himself in a very clishe way. Saving his son obviously. Or who knows - maybe they will give him happy ending and Na’Vi wife.


I wouldn't call a colonizer likeable but he certainly was the most memorable.
