I think this ship has sailed

I don't see this having the appeal it once did. Huge CGI Blockbusters are standard fare now,and this film is somewhat mediocre without the groundbreaking fx that made the original so popular. I don't know if the story itself is actually that compelling.


Id say even without a very strong story, the visuals which Cameron knows how to deliver combined with all the sci-fi , other wordly gadgets,tech intertwined with the alien world it will just make for a great experience to watch. To immerse onself in that , its just entertaining, exploring that world with a nice morality based classical semi fairytale story for a backdrop.
I dont see it losing much if anything with the previous special visual significance. Supposedly, they did a similar hop forward in CGI now that they did then because of underwater stuff, so in a way, it actually will be something special again in that aspect again.
But I dont care, no point criticising beforehand, rather be glad youll be able to enjoy it, such epic,huge budget and made a renowned director are far and few inbetween.


Yeah, I'll probably see it, and I'll go into the theater expecting an idiotic story, lots of action, and visuals that are a cut above the usual. I'll almost certainly get twelve bucks' worth of entertainment out of the show.

The thing about "Avatar" is that although nobody took it seriously, everybody saw it! If it didn't become a cult favorite or develop a big online fandom then fine, it made its money without them.


The first sequel will make money, but if it isn't good those next movies are in trouble. Cameron makes great looking movies for sure,but that doesn't carry the weight it used to. Michael Bay makes visually amazing films too, but his last transformer movie bombed hard.


Cameron knows how to make films entertaining, so if he's directing it'll probably be a hit.

I don't think I've ever enjoyed a Bay film, but then I don't think I've ever watched one all the way through.


Bays best movies are when he scales it back and puts story before FX. James has yet to disappoint me, but he's also not known as a sequel guy. Besides alien and Terminator he hasn't done any, and both of the films are legends to this day,so he had a lot to work with. I don't feel avatar has the depth those did, particularly when it's hard to ignore the very similar plot Avatar shares with Ferngully and Dances with wolves. I hope it's great, because I'll see it,and who wants to sit through 3 hours of crap,lol.


Nostalgia for the Na'vi will kick in once they barrage us with their marketing campaign, it’ll be like Force Awakens type hype I expect.


The question remains: how much of James Cameron's soul remains to be sold off to the devil for fame and fortune? In '97 people were laughing at his then-gargantuan budget of $200 million for Titanic and people expected it to flop. Nobody could have foreseen it would become a global phenomenon. The same buzz greeted Avatar in "09, and, although audiences didn't fall in love with the Nav'i like they had Leo, "ya gotta see it" buzz made audiences feel obligated to go see a movie that everyone saw but nobody really seemed to like. I personally found Avatar so distasteful that I vowed not to see any of these sequels he is about to foist on the world.


You are about to break your vows, then.


Dont think so. Have no intention of wasting my time and money on another 3D CGI fest from James Cameron.


Come on, it'll be fun!


and this film is somewhat mediocre without the groundbreaking fx that made the original so popular. I don't know if the story itself is actually that compelling.

This film is mediocre? When did it come out?

You must have gotten some kind of early preview screening, I guess. I think we should judge for ourselves how compelling the story is, so would you be willing to write a short summary?



The original movie,troll,but you knew thats what I was talking about, despite my lack of explicit clarity. And if you didn't,you are an entirely new level of stupid that I didn't know existed. Why are you post stalking me? Don't you get tired of me making you look dumb? Shout upstairs from your bedroom in the basement and tell your mom I said hi.


That was a pretty stupid thing to write, Burk. And to think you once said: "it might not look it but I'm really an ok guy"


Agreed. Plenty, including myself, will still see it out of curiosity, but it won't have the same wow factor. The effects from the original already show their age. And one film isn't really enough to sustain the anticipation for this long of a gap. While the original allows for sequels, it doesn't really *demand* them, hence why we've waited so long for them to develop a plan instead of having one already in place. It's not like the same excitement of returning to Star Wars before The Phantom Menace was released.

That said, there are only so many basic plots, it's more about *how* they're told. The original tells the story very well, but invaders v natives is a tale as old as time.


I personally like part 5 the best....right?


I remember hearing so much about the first Avatar movie (from the television reports but not so much from viewers), when it came out. By the time I saw it, I was underwhelmed. Yeah, the special effects were cool but the story was mediocre. My little brother summed it up perfectly when he described it as "Dances with Wolves in Space."

I can't see a return to this franchise being anything new or groundbreaking. I've no interest in seeing it. My prediction is it will be another Blade Runner 2049. The cinematography will look beautiful but it will have been so long since the first Avatar, that no one will really have an interest.

Hope I'm wrong but I bet I'm not.


this hasnt aged very well, lol


Why? He's absolutely right, just a lot of dumb people will watch what they're told.


yup, dumb people also watch Marvel movies too.


