Why’d it Bomb? Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)
For one reason or another, Roland Emmerich and Fox decided to wait 20 years to make a sequel to the blockbuster Independence Day. In hindsight, that might’ve not been the best idea. Domestically, Independence Day made $306 million and $817 million worldwide on a budget of $75 million (and this is 90’s money were talking about) while the new one made half that, if not less, making $103 million domestically and $389 million worldwide. But why was it such a disappointment at the box office? Let’s find out!
4. People no longer trust Roland Emmerich
Since Independence Day, Roland has mostly made one bad movie after another. Godzilla, The Day After Tomorrow, 10,000 B.C., 2012, etc. have all been detested by critics and audiences. While I don’t think this had a huge effect on the movie’s BO, I think there were enough people wise enough to know Emmerich would churn out another lousy project that they decided to stay away.
3. The first movie is kind of divisive
When it comes to most people who’ve seen the movie, it seems like it has garnered two reactions from people-there are people who like or love it for being a dumb yet fun movie and there are people who just find it too dumb to be fun. Honestly, I thought the movie was alright myself but the sequel might’ve driven away a large chunk of people who didn’t like the first movie whatsoever, which might’ve affected it’s box office numbers.
2. Will Smith didn’t come back
When it was announced Will wasn’t coming back for the sequel, there was a huge backlash against the sequel and many people complained when they found out he wouldn’t be appearing in the movie. This might’ve been another factor that caused people to avoid the movie, as they didn’t see what the point of another Independence Day movie would be without Will Smith.
1. It just came out too late
Probably the biggest reason this movie underperformed is that the hype for an Independence Day sequel has just died down. I mean, while I wouldn’t say the movie’s been forgotten, who really cares about Independence Day anymore? Not that many people. Therefore, there was no hype for the sequel and it was probably the biggest factor that caused the movie to underperform. It also didn’t help that last year there were way too many sequels to movies that came out too late, most of which bombed or underperformed at the box office, and this movie couldn’t help but get lost in that shuffle.
Of course, there might have been other reasons this movie wasn’t the success they were hoping for but these were most likely the biggest reasons for its underperformance at the box office.