MovieChat Forums > Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) Discussion > Why didn't they just extract the core of...

Why didn't they just extract the core of another planet?

I mean it's not like Solar System is lacking planets. It seems a bit retarded to attack the only planet that can offer resistance when there are other ones within a few million miles.

And why did the aliens leave after the Queen died? The humans couldn't do *beep* to them.


Every alien invasion movie is having a hard time explaining the reason why would they invade us and what is so precious to them what we have and can not be found elsewhere in universe. This movie is one of those where writers are just throwing explanation in few words without even considering to re think what they just wrote. I know it is hard, because is it pointless. It would be the same, like entire human race with their technology would fight over resources with couple of ants nests, which is plain stupid. The only reason humans are destroying ants is pest control or just for fun.
So, the reason they invaded the Earth is, they need our molten core in order to survive and upgrade further their technology. First of all, Earths core consists mainly of Iron, which is in top 10 list of most common elements in universe. So, they couldn't find it no where else? Or maybe they didn't have the technology to melt it?
And second thing what bothers me... They received the distress call which traveled for 20 years to the queen, and it took her like 2 days to reach Earth? It would be like we have space ships faster then light, but are still using radio waves to communicate.


And people wonder why this movie is so crap. 

A better reason wouldve been they wanted revenge because they killed the queens boyfriend in the last one than that useless crap.


revenge ?

Stop the only possible threat to it's domination of the universe ?

if you had a bigger attention span the movie explained the ships leave to find the nearest queen/hive ship.


I think the best "reason" was expressed back in the original when Dr Okun said that the aliens were not that different from us in that they breathed the same air (which explains why humans infiltrating their ships never need oxygen tanks.

It is quite possible that "class M" as they say in Star Trek, Earth like worlds that can support human life are rare, maybe extremely rare. In the first movie it was implied that the aliens were seeking out that type of planet.

Well if they were COLONIZING, needing to make Earth and other planets like it their new HOME it would be a much better explanation than going after the RESOURCES OR THE CORE.

The early 1980s tv show V where the aliens needed the water from our oceans got badly dated when it was discovered that there is more water on Europa.

I think the best bet for future alien invasion movies is simply they breathe the same atmosphere as us and want to get rid of us so they can populate Earth with their people.

Of course not all aliens would breath our air but aliens that breath different atmospheres seek out different planets.


if you had a bigger attention span the movie explained the ships leave to find the nearest queen/hive ship.

I heard that, it's just a *beep* poor explanation. They had absolutely no reason to leave, the humans were no threat to their giant ship.


Humans were no threat? They defeated them once and used there technology to defeat them again. Lol


The humans killed the queen without which the ship cannot be controlled because of the hive mind of the aliens. so once the queen was dead, the ship simply returned to the nearest base on autopilot.


The bigger question is, how stupid to you have to be as a species to use MOLTEN ROCK as fuel for your massive ships? I get the anti-gravity thing, but rock?? If that's really all they needed, couldn't they use that drill to go and melt a bunch of asteroids or something? No wonder we beat them with a computer virus, theys DUMB


They are insectoid in nature so they want the Humans out of the way first to eliminate any possible threat so they could harvest our solar system of all its resources. They detected earth had life, tried a very textbook extermination the first time but failed, the second wave of reinforcements also failed. At the end of the movie we see the spaceship auto detaching from the planet and returning to the nearest alien queen where they will probably try again sending more ships and so on until the human race is eventually exhausted.

Humanities saving grace was the computer sphere lady, without that the earth would probably all died.
The computer sphere lady says thats just the way they are and they've done it to countless other civilizations for thousands of years.

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


Why didn't they just extract the core of another planet?

Yes, they should have done - then we would have been spared the torture of having to sit through this awful movie...



The irony is that the Earth's inner core is actually solid and comprised of iron and nickel, the two chemical elements which are exceptionally unexceptional, you can find them everywhere in the universe.

But then again this film is just an entertaining popcorn movie, so expect to leave your disbelieve at the start of the movie.
