Every alien invasion movie is having a hard time explaining the reason why would they invade us and what is so precious to them what we have and can not be found elsewhere in universe. This movie is one of those where writers are just throwing explanation in few words without even considering to re think what they just wrote. I know it is hard, because is it pointless. It would be the same, like entire human race with their technology would fight over resources with couple of ants nests, which is plain stupid. The only reason humans are destroying ants is pest control or just for fun.
So, the reason they invaded the Earth is, they need our molten core in order to survive and upgrade further their technology. First of all, Earths core consists mainly of Iron, which is in top 10 list of most common elements in universe. So, they couldn't find it no where else? Or maybe they didn't have the technology to melt it?
And second thing what bothers me... They received the distress call which traveled for 20 years to the queen, and it took her like 2 days to reach Earth? It would be like we have space ships faster then light, but are still using radio waves to communicate.