will Smith dodged a bullet with this film!
Wonder if he saw through this pile of poop from the get go? He seriously did the right thing staying away from this horrendous film!
The makers should be disgusted with themselves!
Wonder if he saw through this pile of poop from the get go? He seriously did the right thing staying away from this horrendous film!
The makers should be disgusted with themselves!
Agree that it was horrible, but if Capt Hiller was alive, the whole thing would've been very different.
shareThat's true. Roland said that they had two completely different scripts (one with WIll and one without). It'd be interesting to find out what the Will one would have been like.
shareYes! I'd love to read it!
shareMeh I am betting it was pretty much the same format.
Alien tech being used to strengthen the planet
David being the head of the Alien intel
President Whitmore being bug-nuts crazy and going on a suicide mission
The Giant Queen alien in the end, trying to rip off Jim Cameron's Aliens.
I doubt it was that much different. Just not as much with the new young characters. I bet Dylan was always playing a major role, and Liam Hemsworth simply was cast to replace Smith. Probably had Dylan and Steven on a mission together, and maybe Steven died.
He may have dodged a bullet with this one but not with Suicide Squad.
I think the film lacked the charm that Will Smith brought to the original film.
Oh shut up. Suicide Squad isn't the worst film ever made nor the best. It was a good summer flick. You sheeple parroting what critics say with no minds of your own are sickening.
shareWhat's sickening is your hostile response to my post.
I watched Suicide Squad by myself. And I judged it by myself. I did the same with films that I enjoyed - such as Man of Steel, Only God Forgives and many more films that were panned by critics.
Also judging by your ratings, you seem like a child who only gives a 1 or a 10(at least I gave Suicide Squad a 5. Not a 1 because I disliked it). You seem very emotionally misguided in your judgement and thus your post is immediately invalidated. Nothing is ever 1 or 10 - there is good and bad in everything.
Calm down.
Many Thanks.
You're both retards see you two found mutual ground at last.
shareI hate it when people refuse to rate something a 10,
based on their own rule that nothing is perfect or nothing is a 10.
It's a scale from 1 to 10. Not 2 to 9.
If you rate a move a 10, we grownups know it does NOT mean
you thought it was a "perfect" movie that no human could possibly make.
We all understand that a "10" means you thought it was outstanding.
So stop mucking up the rating system.
I agree. There are movies I rated a 10.
A 10 doesn't mean perfect and nothing will ever top it.
Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!
I think the audience gained the most from his choice. This film was a disappointment, but imagine how much worse it would have been with Smith's puerile smart-arsery added in?
(Yeah, I'm not a Smith fan. Can you tell?! )
You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.
It might have been better with him as the star. I didn't care at all about the new characters. The first one is no masterpiece, yet it's a movie I can watch again and again. They are definitely missing something with this one. There's no heart.
shareOf course he did, he's Deadshot after all. Kidding aside, given the reception not Suicide Squad( mainly critical) it seems like either decision Smith would've taken wouldn't have brought much to his star status.
shareAs if he wasn't in crappy movies before. And as if he's some quality actor that raises a crappy movie. Didn't work with ID for me, first one was a crappy movie, second is crappier.
I haven't even watched Suicide Squad yet (the title alone keeps me from doing so).
Trivia says the studio didn't want to pay his salary demand and that's why he got written out.
Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!
The main reason I went to see this is because I wanted to hear the explanation for the absence of Captain Hillier. The answer was: apparently he was killed during a test flight of a jet that reverse engineered from one of the alien ships from ID. WTF?
share...apparently he was killed during a test flight of a jet that reverse engineered from one of the alien shipIt makes his death more relevant to the story then saying he died in a car crash or something.
I stoped watching the movie after 15min. Just like the last transformers, this one also was "bought" by China and they didnt take too much to show how miserable they were with the constant chinese ads in the movie... it's so sad. And then using a random chinese chick with the name "angelababy". This went too far, but well, money buys everything, such a shame.
shareAnd yet still he made "After Earth"...