Presidential Line of Succession

Is that the way it would work in real life? POTUS, VPOTUS, Speaker, Senate Pres Pro Tem and then all the way down the cabinet (including the Designated Survivor), and if they are all take out by aliens, Al Qaeda or a horde of mutant penguins it then just goes to the top military ranker? In real life could the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs wind up in the top job?

A man is a dum Aussie so has no idea how it works.


The succession follows the order of Vice President, Speaker of the House, President pro tempore of the Senate, and the cabinet, which currently has fifteen members, beginning with the Secretary of State.
As far as the cabinet secretaries, it would go sec of State, sec of Treasury, sec of Defense, Attorney General, sec of Interior, sec of Agriculture, sec of Commerce, etc etc


Generals are not in the line of succession in real life. This could have been changed after the fictional War of '96.


I didn't mention any general in the line of succession...


Sure was smart 2 have all 15 members of the cabinet in the same place now wasn't it?
