Crystal Skull mostly wasn't that bad. It had the same problem as the "first" three Star Wars movies (Phantom Menace, etc.). That is, your experience with the franchise led you to expect something great and merely okay was kind of a letdown.
Resurgence was your typical Hollywood rehash style sequel. Bigger ships, more outrageous destruction, similar plot. They start off getting their asses kicked then come up with a brilliant plan at the last minute and save the day. Perhaps this is why Will Smith passed on the film but there's no question it suffered for his absence. Teens and twentysomethings of today are too young to remember when the original ID was in theaters. They needed to do more than include rising star Joey King in a basically pointless role in order to attract the millennials.
And to make everyone of all ages want to see it, we needed new and original ideas. It's a decent enough movie if you're looking for mindless entertainment - two hours of crash, smash, boom. Just nothing to get terribly excited about. I remember Emmerich talking about his ideas for a sequel back when the original movie was still out. He seemed to know where he was going to go with it even then. So why did he wait twenty years to make the sequel? Back in 96 the studio would've greenlighted that in a second!