Ruined by casting boring too young actors who can't act
There was a lot wrong with this movie, like basically no plot development, lame heart tugging moments, no real suspense, corny lines, very unrealistic action, and trying to be way too PC and family friendly but the worst was the casting of such young really bad actors just for the sake of having young people in a movie. Why do they do this? None of the young actors were believable at all for being in the military/flying aircraft/being sent to space, they looked way too young and were way too immature and were just annoying and a bad distraction. Everything else was very rushed, no real explanation and the explanation they gave did not make much sense. The special effects were impressive especially the creature running in the desert but they could have wrote a better script and cast better more believable actors then that lame MTV show cast who can not act. They should have made a sequel 10 or 15 years ago with a much better script instead of waiting so long with such a lame rushed script, maybe Will Smith would have agreed to be in it then.