it could have been done much better like Star Wars, Star Trek, Starship Troopers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Galaxy Quest, or oh I don't know... the original Independence Day?
Much better than ORIGINAL FILMS?? are those prequel Star Wars films viewed? How is Episode 7 viewed on IMDB? Ever check out the message boards? And What about those sequels to Starship Troopers, huh?? Straight to DVD garbage?? You list a bunch of original films and compare them to a SEQUEL to an original film? That just proves what your standards were/are and how impossible it was/is for ID2 to MEET your expectations.
Is this film better than Starship Troopers 2, Transformers 2, Star Trek 2, Episode 7?? For me, 110 percent YES! I really love the prequels to Star Wars, so I can't go there, and we shall see what comes of Guardians 2, but come on, compare apples to apples! I'm sick of seeing everything compared to the originals. There is literally only a handful of flicks in history that are BETTER than the original so that argument is flawed beyond belief!
Who's strangling the cat?