Underrated Cinematic Masterpiece That Will Be A Classic 30 Years Later
Yeah. The older movies back in the 50's didn't have excessive overuse of CGI etc. so a film on it's scale back then would capture audiences as being a standard for fantasy. If this movie had been made like it is back then it would be the classic and not the Wizard of Oz. Don't get me wrong, Judy Garland and the classic cast will never die off or lose me as a fan but holy cow does this movie nail you in the heart and imagination. I would rank Oz as one of Raimi's top ten. The casting, pace, story, cinematography, music, emotions, drama, directing just all come together like rare magic that's not often seen in cinema anymore. Effects, sex, blood and guts all seem to excite the senses of people these days into rating a movie much higher but only for a short time then it's forgotten. What makes a classic is a movie's ability to capture real emotion and character development. This movie actually has a CGI character you care about with the real ones. Pure silverscreen gold and I hope they hire Raimi if they decide to remake the original because this is one of his greatest achievements. In my opinion ;)