1. Blonde girl lives in the vision for the SOLE reason for Tom Cruise to want to kill her at end (so he can steal her life). Because she didnt live in reality, this is a very bad lazy writing trick.
2. The order of deaths was violated. In the vision, the blonde girl does not die. In reality, she dies second to last! HUH???
3. The "killing someone to take their life" idea-again, cheating!! Tom Cruise kills the cop so he gets his life, right? So when the main guy kills Tom, how come the main guy dies anyway?
4. The plane tie in is great, but because the writers cheated-see above-it feels tacked on and gimmicky.


lol at "Tom Cruise".


1. Subjective, not provenn.
2. She was meant to die on that plane. It was her boyfriend who got shuffled onto the new list. Death is constantly retroactively adjusting things. This has been established since the second film.
3. You only get the amount of time that the police officer was meant to have in the original list. He could have been destined to die that night another way if not for the flubbed up list.
4. Its not tacked on since the twist is set up from the beginning. The entire movie is basically built around this twist

Slither away angry person.


I posed these questions to the original writer of parts 1 & 2.
Everything I wrote is true and pretty clear in the film. He told me that the movie was designed to be a prequel so yes, your #4 post is correct. However, this doesnt excuse the errors.
1. it is proven. She does not die in the vision. This was done solely so Tom Cruise could try to steal her life. That is the only reason given for this plot point. Too bad-its very interesting. What is your belief about this plot point?
2. That's a lame reason and it does not tie into the film series' history (there is always a logic to the deaths). That's just sloppy reasoning. And why the change in order? Sam dies before the girl in the vision and the girl lives in the vision-not sure why you are arguing this...
3. Now youre just making sheit up. The steel worker had a tumor. They clearly showed that scene. To assume the cop was going to die within a few days of that scene anyway due to-whatever-is pretty weak. Maybe just agree with me? Its ok to criticize flaws in a film!
4. See above point-the writers should have tried harder.


actually I just figured out the change in order of deaths! You were right. Sam killed Tom Cruise so he saved his own life. So he would die after the girlfriend. OK-got that one. But the stealing life and the not dying in the vision are still plot holes...

who is angry? its just a film, dummy!


kill or be killed don't work..u cant kill someone that's not there turn to die..death wont let you..that's establish in part 4...all u can do is skip yourself to the end of the list..nathen got skipped to the end of the list..that leaves peter and sam...sam killed peter bc death allowed him the order left was sam and nathen..molly was on alex's list from part 1..she was always meant to die in that point in death allowed sam to go with molly on the plane to tie up the lose ends like what they did in part when death finished the plane's list with molly..he killed sam then finally nathen

I'm not crazy, I'm just mentally insane.


kill or be killed don't work..u cant kill someone that's not there turn to die..death wont let you..that's establish in part 4...all u can do is skip yourself to the end of the list..nathen got skipped to the end of the list..
The rule that was established in part 4 (well, actually in part 2 and again in part 4) is that you can't kill yourself when it's not your turn to die. The kill or be killed rule is that if you kill someone when it's your turn to die, then you claim their remaining lifespan (so basically, you switch places on death's list with the person you killed). No one has attempted to do that in any previous FD movie before 5. The reason Nathan died at the end was because the person who died in his place had a brain tumor and would have died that day.

that leaves peter and sam...sam killed peter bc death allowed him the order left was sam and nathen..
Peter was supposed to die before Sam, but Agent Block died in Peter's place, so death moved on to Sam. Peter (who cheated death by claiming Block's life) died in Sam's place, so Sam ended up with Block's life. There was no more "order" after that because death was finished. Death only starts over when it reaches the end of the list if people were skipped because of an intervention. It doesn't come back for you if someone died in your place.


The fact that Molly didn't die in the vision is not a plot hole. All it means is that she was not meant to die on the bridge; it means nothing other than that, so the fact that she died later in the movie does not contradict anything that was previously established. As for the order, after Sam killed Peter and claimed his (i.e., Agent Block's) remaining lifespan, the list was over, so the order of the deaths on the bridge was irrelevant after that. The fact that Sam and Molly died on the plane meant one of two things: 1) Molly and Agent Block (whose lifespan Sam now has) were both meant to die on the day that Flight 180 exploded, or 2) Sam and Molly "stole" seats on Flight 180 that were originally meant for two other would-be passengers (Sam wasn't supposed to be on Flight 180 in Death's original plan, since he was supposed have died on the bridge, and Molly probably wouldn't have gone to Paris if Sam were dead), so Sam and Molly may have died in place of two people who would have been on Flight 180 if Sam had died on the bridge; if that were the case then those two would-be passengers would have gotten Sam (Block's) and Molly's remaining lifespans.

I don't think there were any plot holes or contradictions of previously established rules here. Just some unanswered questions with several possible explanations.


You forgot the one and the most important FLAW? If this is a prequel then why the hell we didn't hear anything about bridge collapse in FD 1, 2, 3 and 4??? Ok they just wanted to surprise us with the final but they must have predicted all details


It's not that big of a flaw. First thing, the bridge incident doesn't look like any of the other films. It involved the murder of a federal agent, and technically 3 of the 8 survivors DID survive. They lived until the beginning of the 1st movie. The sequels seem to follow the rest of the same patterns.

The airplane incident in the movie seemed like an even more major event that was the main reference point of the series. Plus we don't really know if the bridge incident wasn't even researched. If you remember for example, FD3, they said that it had happened a few times before. They just referenced only the airplane incident again, from the first film.

They can get away with this minor flaw if really anything.


I would agree but they mentioned that episode on TV and they said that one guy had a vision


To start with - there is NO Tom Cruise in the movie, you are obviously referring to Miles Fisher.

The blond girl might have either died right after the main character or they both got into a new list, which seems more logical to me. This time there was a new list and a new guy with a vision.

Peter kills the cop and gets his life, but maybe indeed the cop was not meant to live very long. OR the main character just happened to kill Peter and take the life of the cop from him.


Late reply I know, but I just wanted to add something.

Maybe the blonde girl did die during the bridge collapse but Sam died before her so he didn't see that happening because his vision ended with him dying himself.
"Tom Cruise" just thinks she is his ticket for living, but she might also have mere days left.
This then also explains why she died before Sam did in the plane crash. It was her turn after Sam skipped his turn by killing "Tom Cruise".

Also Death's plan can't be cheated at all, unless you keep saving everybody on the list for ever and ever. That's why Death keeps on restarting his killing game, everybody who is supposed to die, will eventually die.

The "new life" theory has been busted at the end of FD 2. When the boy who got saved by coke-head died due to an exploding barbecue, he was the start of a new cycle. Everybody's back in death's game plan now.


Even more of a late reply, but I have to rant about something. I'm a big aviation nerd, so stay with me here. During the plane scene, something weird happens. When the engine explodes due to the uncontained engine failure, we see the shrapnel from said engine strike the engine next to it and the rear of the fuselage and that is perfectly fine. My problem with this is the fact that the plane explodes from the front of the wing! Did the shrapnel somehow make its way to the front and hit the fuel tank, which doesn't seem likely with the slipstream. I call major foul on the directors part as they should have had the plane explode from the rear, which is something I can clearly see in the first movie!

Another thing that I find so unbelievable is the fact that the main landing gear flew off from the wreckage to crash into the bar. The nose landing gear isn't that heavy, so I think it would have just bounced off the roof. Now if it was the main landing gear, I can believe it would go through the roof and kill Nathan.
