MovieChat Forums > Final Destination 5 (2011) Discussion > Worst FD cast of all; couldn't perish so...

Worst FD cast of all; couldn't perish soon enough

I know this franchise exists for the benefit of drop-outs from the CW Acting School in Dawson's Creek, Toronto but this lot had to be the lousiest in series history. Fake Tom Cruise AKA "Peter" was mildly tolerable (except for his eyebrows of course). The rest were complete flops at deploying such basic teen acting elements as:

* looking afraid
* letting off steam about Workplace Hassles
* going through some heavy post-traumatic reflections n' stuff
* boyfriend/girlfriend serious confrontational drama about Our Future Together
* displaying moderate surprise at clairvoyant feats
* projecting agony during dismemberment

The 1st movie is more watchable partly due to the rising anxiety & tension among Stan, Stifler, the ditzy blonde, the soulful blonde, their MILF teacher, etc.; yet the novelty of Rube Goldberg accidents wouldn't be enough to carry the film alone. In this film the incidental repartee is typically as risible as the opening scene's exchange where Candice the pudgy intern calls the Lasik hooker fat -- lol. BTW that was some excellent hopping around the loose screw that somehow landed on its head but we're gonna have to dock you points on the dismount


Emma Bell especially looked like she was sleepwalking.

I don't win a lot.


I have to agree. I've just done an FD marathon and had to include this one, but only really because I like the way it tucks the narrative back into itself.

Beyond that, it has no atmosphere.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


I agree. The whole cast was a bunch of no talents! What a shame!


I agree wth your points but I don't think they were worst than TFD's horrendous cast imo


I actually feel like most of he actors were good.

Jacqueline Macinnes Wood (Olivia), Miles Fisher (Peter), Nichlas D'Agosto (Nathan), Ellen Wroe (Candice), and Tony Todd (Bludworth) were very well acted. Emma Bell would be my only complaint.
