MovieChat Forums > Final Destination 5 (2011) Discussion > Final Destination 6 should be made

Final Destination 6 should be made

All 5 parts made money and defo after how Part 5 was better then 4 and 3, it will provide box office for an eventual part 6 in the franchise.

They are fun and creative movies. It will be intense because all characters died in all 5 movies so maybe you can hope 1 survives now.


I love these movies, so they should always keep the door open for more of them.

The good thing is, if there ends up being a gap before they make part six (if they do) they'll hopefully have had time to up their game somehow, worked on the deaths, and the hints, as well come up with something different. I'd like the movie if it didn't have a gimmick, but it would be a bonus.


Yeah, for the 6th one, they need to change the story or plot. Make it new and fresh. They need to come up with something totally different.


i disagree. they did every spin possible with that concept and had the backbone to stop before it had gotten ridiculous. also, they found the perfect way to end the franchise. they should leave it alone.


5 tied it all up 'nicely' end it there. nothing else to add.


I so agree..They came full circle and should be left alone.
