Why did Peter want to live so badly?
Okay, I understand that throughout the movie, he was going "insane." He wasn't sleeping, probably wasn't eating, drinking, and was grieving because he lost Candace. He resented Moly for living. He resented Sam for saving Moly in the "premonition," and not anybody else. After all, he seemed to be thankful that everybody was still alive until Candace died. He was buying into the "kill or be killed" theory that Tony Todd's character told the other characters. And yes, I understand that with all the anguish and resentment building up inside of you, you tend to act differently than you normally would (such as being paranoid and delusional). I understand all of that.
But there's was one thing that just didn't make sense to me. Losing Candace seemed to affect him deeply because he obviously loved her. And there is a part where you get an impression that he believes in an "afterlife," when he says to Moly just before he tries to stab her: "Tell Candace I love her." So, what I don't get is: why was he willing to LIVE at any cost (including taking other lives) when he was so lovesick and heartbroken over Candace's death? It just makes more sense to me that he wouldn't be so afraid of dying, thinking that "Death was after him," if he truly believed that he would see Candace again on the "other side."
I say this because many many years ago, I was in Peter's position. I was young and I lost a girl I was in love with to murder. MY mind-set was "Why couldn't I have died with her?" or "Why couldn't it have been ME instead of HER?" If Tony Todd's character told me that "Death" was coming for me because I wasn't suppose to be alive (back then), I would've said: "Okay then. Sounds good to me. I don't want to live without her anyway. So, whenever Death is ready to take me, I'll be ready." None of us, deep down, are ever really "ready to die," as Peter put it. He could have just been acting out of fear as well as insanity, but to me, him wanting to live at any cost after just losing Candace just didn't make sense to me. If Candace was suppose to die AFTER him, then I can see where he would try to kill TWO PEOPLE to replace the lifespan for both Candace and himself. But being in a similar situation years ago, I never really got why he wanted to live so badly... I know, it's just a movie, but to me, it was a slight plot hole.