Oscar bait

Go natalie


Hear hear!

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


Well... now, while I completely understand that you were trying your absolute hardest to actually say something that perhaps SOUNDS poignant and insightful, but in actuality is truly as hollow as the vast majority of movies released these days...

That being said, those are absolutely, positively NOT the top few things, 'that are missing from movies these days'... And if you think that they are, then... well... it just goes to show that you're just about the furthest thing from being even the SLIGHTEST bit perceptive--like, perceptivity just might as well be your mortal enemy for that matter.

But in addition to that, it also goes to show how downright & unbelievably (and very obviously) oblivious you truly are, to boot--you know, insofar as these two things - of ALL things - are the ones you mention right off the bat, and that you somehow ACTUALLY believe them (LMAO) to be the ones that are most lacking in terms of filmmaking in this day and age... Which again, came out in such a way that made it seem like you wanted to appear insightful, but ultimately came off a total dunce.

Whether someone is making a feature film that happens to be the most formulaic, piece of trash, so-bad-it's-good, B-movie ever... Or a high-art, intellectually deep and symbolic experimental film... BOTH take an unbelievable level of work ethic. And it's because that you somehow assume that movies that still manage to reach completion, and then be released didn't still require an insane work ethic simply because all movies are created differently but also aren't equals in the sense that they don't turn out the same either... well, it just goes to show that you yourself aren't a filmmaker and don't know what it takes TO be successful when undertaking such an endeavor.

And you know what, I already forgot the second thing you stated that movies made these days are missing--that just goes to show you how forgettable of a statement you made. But I assure you, both you listed were hardly relevant... That much I do know.


Ahhh ok--"living up to ideals"... Like I said, even though I had forgotten what the second one you listed was, I knew it to be itrelvant and sure enough, irrelevant it truly is... And again, if you were a filmmaker the you'd already know that there's no such thing as 'ideals' as far as filmmaking is concerned for so many more reasons than I even care to begin listing here... and if that thought is a bit over your head, then it's clear you just need to stick to the films that fit your personal mold and also your oh so discerning and refined tastes, and especially your standards which are so very high -- and I say that because your closed mind is only gonna get in the way from you taking each film you see and treating it as it's own entity...

Nice life, fool.


I'm so proud of her! I can't wait to see this in the theater ^.^


I'm so proud of her! I can't wait to see this in the theater ^.^




At this point, we've had a lot of disappointments this year. I'm hopeful for the bait this year because if it's Oscar bait it's people trying to make a good movie.
