
I have to admit that I've periodically seen things about this film over the last year or so and I've just cast it aside as being another run of the mill biopic, but that trailer has me extremely interested. The editing, the music, and the dialogue were incredibly effective. I now can't wait to see this film. I think it has the ability to be amazing.


What an awesome trailer. I can see why this film got rated so highly.


Yeah. Some of the shots are Malik inspired. Shouldn't be a surprise since Natalie Portman was in Knight of Cups.

We have what we seek, it is there all the time, and if we give it time, it will make itself known.


Woah? Did you mean Whoa? Another example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


Lame attempt at trying to sound smart. Friggin typo most likely and you brand them basically the average Trump supporter.

Aye mate, you seen Taxi Driver?
