MovieChat Forums > Jackie (2016) Discussion > Favored for Best Oscar, Hillary consolat...

Favored for Best Oscar, Hillary consolation prize

Jackie is a good movie in its own right. Nice story, historical relevance, well acted. True enough. Nonetheless, we must assume that it is the odds on favorite for one or more Oscars (Best Pix. Actress) as a consolation prize for Hillary Clinton.

Most of show business especially Hollywood was in Hillary's pocket, and they fully expected she would be the next president of the United States. That was their entitlement. Well the rest of the country decided otherwise and Hillary lost the electoral college big time to a circus clown with orange hair. Since Hollywood could not deliver enough states to give Mrs. Clinton the White House, they will do the next best thing, by showering 'Jackie' the movie with awards.

The Oscars are all political anyway, but with 'Jackie' Hollywood can get behind a film and feel they are doing the right thing by rewarding Hillary for her defeat at the hands of Donald Trump.

Will all of this come to pass, or will Mrs. Clinton and her smug, arrogant, condescending campaign be long forgot by Oscar season? (Unlike Camelot.)


Man, you'll be beyond miserable if Moonlight wins anything, won't you?


LOL! Well I really loved Jackie but Moonlight was better. Lala Land I hated and I'll be really furious if it wins.


I predict you'll be furious. Just saw La La Land tonight. It'll win a lot of awards. Hollywood LOVES to honor itself, and especially anything that brings up memories of and allusions to old Hollywood.


I know... I know.... The Artist... Argo... Birdman... all navel-gazing showbiz epics. Only a Holocaust movie can beat a showbiz flick.


I don't care which film gets the Oscar or who wins best actress. I am just saying that it would be the way that Hollywood gives Hillary a consolation prize if 'Jackie' gets the Oscar, since most of Hollywood was in Mrs. Clinton's pocket, as I said in my original post.


What you said in your original post was a lot of tripe that sounds like it came from the mind of Tucker Carlson.

But let's just assume your premise is correct. Now it's obvious Hollywood has a liberal bent. That's not exactly news. So what makes this film so special that it would be a "consolation prize" for Hillary? What makes this Hollywood film any different than any of the other top Oscar contenders? Jackie was a First Lady, Hillary was a First Lady. So what? The similarities between them pretty much end there. So again I ask, how is this film any different than any other film that will be nominated for any major Oscars?

Also, it's a little hard to say that "the rest of the country decided otherwise" when 54% of those who voted didn't vote for Trump, Electoral College results notwithstanding.


You shouldn't be an apologist for Hillary Clinton. She lost the election big time and you are going to have accept that fact, whether it sounds like tripe to you or not.

I am glad that you agree with me about Hillary getting a consolation prize from Hollywood if 'Jackie' gets Oscar(s). You made my point better than I did, by noting that Jackie and Hillary were both first ladies. Since there are so few of those around, it would be appropriate for Hollywood, the Academy, to connect the dots, and select 'Jackie' the movie, to show how much they support Mrs. Clinton.

You and I are in accord about this. It is also clear to me that you are not really the brick head your posts would lead people to believe. I respect your right to be as confused as you want, but not on this board. Go and sin no more.


I'm not an apologist for Hillary. She has no one to blame but herself for losing the election. I was just pointing out the flaw in your statement about "the rest of the country" wanting a candidate who only polled 46% of the vote. Obviously that same argument applies to Hillary as well.

I'm also not at all agreeing with you that Jackie winning any Oscars is a Hillary consolation prize. It seems to me you didn't really read what I said. But, hey, I respect your right to be as confused as you want.


What a sad life you must lead.


Hillary wasn't half the actress that Jackie was. That's why she wasn't elected.
