MovieChat Forums > Jackie (2016) Discussion > Bobby Kennedy's son works for Trump

Bobby Kennedy's son works for Trump

Robert Kennedy Jr has joined the Trump administration to explore the causes of Autism.


RFK jr. is a crack pot and an apologist for extraordinarily rotten behavior such as his cousin Michael Skakel convicted murderer of Martha Moxley. RFK jr. is a proponent of the idiotic theory that vaccines cause autism. He is a real jerk, but the apple does not fall far from the tree.

His father, Bobby Kennedy, while attorney general, was the man chiefly responsible for JFK getting murdered. RFK ran the justice dept. and did exactly zero to guard his brother's safety, instead spending millions chasing Hoffa, Castro, and the mob. A disgrace, and it is no surprise that his son RFK jr. would go to work for Trump (a circus clown with orange hair).


When the mob wants to get ya, they get ya. Not RFK's fault. Riding in an open auto in Dallas, TX, for gosh sakes....he was wide open. It was JFK's decision. But it was done a lot back then; no reason to expect an assassination. He was popular...except with the mob.


JFK chose to ride in the motorcade as he did. He wanted to appear accessible. He was trying to win the Texas vote for the 64 election.


No one disputes that, presidents are always campaigning. What is inexcusable, is that Bobby Kennedy did NOT look to JFK's safety, which would have informed how and in what manner he campaigned. Someone more mature and less narcissistic than Bobby Kennedy would have, and it might have changed history.


JFK was not campaigning. Bobby Kennedy, as Attorney General, headed the Justice Dept. The Secret Service was part of the Treasury Department. Bobby Kennedy had nothing to do with security in Dallas. The mob had nothing to do with the assassination.


Who said the mob killed JFK? I suggest you read some history, if you can read, about how powerful RFK was.


Bpollen's remark about the mob killing JFK had gone unopposed, so I did it; too much unquestioned conspiracy crap is left on various imdb boards, so young people think they're true.
What relevance is Bobby Kennedy's power in a thread about the JFK assassination when the Secret Service wasn't in his department? I'll ignore your insult about being able to read and state that I'm old enough to remember the night JFK beat Nixon. I read history as it happened.


Can't wait for 1/20. Trump will be a much better president than JFK.


JFK was young, brilliant, charismatic, and a genuine war hero. He served with distinction in Congress and the Senate. Trump is intellectually lazy, spiteful, petty, antagonistic, grossly immature, incapable of conducting himself as a level-headed, reasonable adult. He is the polar opposite of JFK, and will assume the presidency with the lowest public approval rating in history. Trump brings out the worst in people, and his administration will be a scandal-ridden, morale-breaking disappointment to all Americans.
