MovieChat Forums > Jackie (2016) Discussion > Absolute Snoozefest.......PASS

Absolute Snoozefest.......PASS

I am a student of American History and was very excited to hear about this movie and thought the trailer was awesome and couldn't wait to see it.

Then I saw it.

The glacial speed at which this movie paces its self at would have missed the Titanic by miles. Natalie Portman seemed to play Jackie with contempt. As if to show the world that she wasn't as glamorous or refined as we were all led to believe. I truly believe Portman took this role with the intent on turning it into an Oscar win. It has all the earmarks. The crying into mirrors, running through the white house in a drunken stupor. By all accounts from several respected journalists and even intimates of Jackie, not even 1/10th of what happened in this movie is fact. Don't even get me started on Peter Saarsgard as RFK. Perhaps the WORST portrayal of the late Presidents brother as I have ever seen. Peter couldn't even be bothered to learn a New England accent for the role. Totally phoned it in. This movie lacks the warmth that was Jackie. A strong woman who held herself together for the sake of her country and family in such a tumultuous time. This movie smears her memory and in no way should be watched for anything but a vanity project for Natalie Portman. I would definitely give this movie a pass.



I agree with the JFK casting. I feel this is the closest anyone has ever got him on film. I mean, he really looked like him.


Don't even get me started on Peter Saarsgard as RFK. Perhaps the WORST portrayal of the late Presidents brother as I have ever seen.

I agree. Terrible casting of RFK. Saarsgard doesn't remotely resemble RFK. His portrayal of RFK was nothing at all like the real RFK.

I thought the actor who portrayed Lyndon Johnson was just as bad.

Whoever was responsible for casting this movie needs a different job.

Those of you who have seen Thirteen Days, the casting of JFK and RFK were excellent. I felt almost as if I was seeing the real people. Even the physical gestures were the way I remember both.

But in Jackie other than Natalie Portman, the casting couldn't have been more terrible if they intentionally were trying to make it terrible.

As for the opinions about the movie being a "snoozefest," I disagree. The movie wasn't meant to be exciting, although I couldn't identify with or feel sympathy for any of the characters. I felt that Natalie Portman didn't 'become' Jackie Kennedy. It was more like she was simply playing the part - and to me that makes a major difference.

I also don't know how accurate the 'insider' portrayals were. I guess we'll really never know, but I did think a lot of it was just made up.

I am among those who were waiting to see this movie. Unfortunately, I am also among those disappointed with it.


I keep falling asleep before the funeral.
