Another biopic carrying the wrong title.
Should've been called The Funeral Of JFK From The Point Of View Of His Bureaved Wife. Much like Lincoln should've been called The Emancipation Proclamation. This could've been a cracking biopic but instead we've got some shockingly wobbly accents, cheap handheld camera work, first takes galore, a distressingly poor and intrusive musical score and choppy editing. At one stage Jackie struggles to remove a wedding ring, a second later it looks like she's swallowing it (guess that was meant to be a cut to a pill being swallowed).
The period and lead performance just about maintained the interest of the Grey Pound audience I was having to sit with (mmm...overbearing stench of perfume and wee). As I said, could've been a great biopic. We got pretentiousness piffle instead. 6/10