If you know the story behind the original...
I have to say that it really wasn't as horrible as people are panning it. I finally just rented it OnDemand , and I must admit I laughed quite a lot .
Now the original was made 15 years ago when I was 16, and it was an instant cult classic. It is supposed to be really dumb, and the characters totally out there. It's how the first one was if you strip it down. Sure the original is unbeatable, but this wasn't so bad.
I think that many younger people who saw it might have not understand because the original was out when they were like 7-10 yrs old. Some even younger.
It had it pretty funny moments, and although it cannot beat the original (Stiller knew this), it was really made for the people who loved the craziness , and stupidity that brought us Derek, Hansel, and Mugatu and Company. I gave it a 6/10. I've seen way worse films, and the fact that it was made to be stupid funny as well as follow in the footsteps of the cult classic following that it did the job it was supposed to do. Just MO on it. Many funny parts , and low key nostalgic moments added into the film as well that cracked me up .