I enjoyed it

Surprised to see such a low rating. A 6.2 would've been more reasonable.

If u liked the first one you should like this one. It has the same type of humour. Stupid but funny at times. Don't get the hate at all.


I don't like, I LOVE the first movie.. but this one is just too bad. the first one was an excellent parody of fashion world and what not, now they did the parody of the parody of the first movie and that cannot result in a good product. I mean, sure, there were moments when I was laughing, and I believe that it all seemed excellent when it was just an idea or written scenario, but they failed to realize it properly, none of it works when actually put on screen. I wish it worked, as I really enjoyed the first Zoolander movie. This one, though, seems just like a very lousy over-the-top photocopy of an originally great picture


I enjoyed it, too! It reminded me of how funny the Austin Powers franchise was when it came out - and how much fun it is to still watch those movies. But the first time you see the concepts on the screen is absolutely the best - they are very easily stretched thin.

I don't think that was a problem with the Zoolander series. Still funny!
