Victoria: hot chick?

I know I'm gonna get a lot of hate because so many say Victoria is their favorite character in the show. Nonetheless...

There are countless dialogue references in Mike & Molly stating how hot Victoria is, but I just don't see it. On a scale of one to 10, she's a soft 2 at best and, to top it off, she's dumber that dirt. Sure, the writers have thrown in a few scenes that make her seem sweet for some reason or another, but that face of hers is truly cringe-inducing.

Now her mom, on the other hand, ain't that hard to look at and she's like 70.


Now her mom, on the other hand, ain't that hard to look at and she's like 70.


**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**


Well, beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. I think she is very pretty. They do play up the fact that she is extremely "endowed" so that's part of it.


She is pretty. The hair and bright make-up makes her seem dated. She seems like she's in the 80s rather than born during them. The board for the actress has a few posts stating that she looks older than her age. I believe it's the hair and make-up for this show that is the issue. Her skin and such is youthful.


You sir, are definitely Sick!


Victoria is definitely Hott! She is sweet and has a heart of gold but she is a little Hoe though.

When you find yourself with the majority
It's time to stop and go with the minority.


OK, that part about the mom was kinda sarcastic to make a point, but I still stand by my thoughts about Victoria. I've seen that actress twice before on TV playing the same basic character on "Two and a Half Men." Once Charley and Alan had her in bed, and then there was the episode where Charley married her. And in both episodes, I kept wondering why player Charley would even say "Hello" to her (I could see Alan making a play for her). Someone above mention that Victoria is well endowed. No argument there, but there have been scenes in the show where Victoria appears to be almost as big as Molly (come to think of it, Vince's weight seems to fluctuate from show to show, too). Anyway, I think "Mike & Molly" is a well-written, perfectly-cast,funny show, and I like the Victoria character.

I just don't think she's as pretty as Vince, Carl and Samuel would lead you to believe.


She was probably included in the show to make it less one-dimensional. I think she is pretty and has great hair.

Her speaking voice for the show is probably fake, like that actress who was in "Will and Grace" where people actually asked in interviews and such whether it hurt her throat to talk like that for the show.


Victoria a 2? Really? What kind of ridiculous standards do you have? And what kind of Greek God are you?


Me? Oh, I'm nothing to look at. But, then again, I'm not on TV trying to pass myself off as a hunk for $100,000 a week. Let me put that "2" into an easier to understand context. I think Janeane Garofalo is a 2; Kathy Griffin is a 2; Mary-Kate Olsen is a 2; Ashley Olsen is a 7.

I hope that clears everything up.


Hello, I'm new to the board. I think Victoria is very pretty. I also think that it's her personality and wicked grin that makes everyone love her. I look at the whole picture and I don't think we should be judging other's looks.

The next time you think a person is a 2, try taking a look at the mirror and ask yourself whether or not you are a 2 or a 10.


The actress was once on an episode of "My Name Is Earl", she looked FINE. One of the plot points in the episode were the skin tight Daisy Duke shorts she wore.
