More hole's that Swiss cheese
Was the ATM itself.
This is an ATM station in the middle of nowhere, 24 hours open. If you so much as bounce a bouncy ball of those things, they light up like a christmas tree and yet smashing it with a bin didn't trigger any internal alarm. ATM's are also build like WW2 bunkers. Hitting it with a trash can isn't going to break the internal camera.
Now I don't know how things are in America. But outside ATM's here and 24 hour one's have more camera's than white house. You can't get within a hundred feet without being seen. They are constantly monitored and I've seen someone simply kick an ATM and trigger an internal alarm.
Not only that, the only way to damage an atm is with something that can create a massive amount of force.
I saw a few people on here saying out 'you just aren't intelligent enough to understand the movie."
Let's get real here.
1. They stop at an ATM in the middle of nowhere
2. The blond guy parks like a hundred feet away from the ATM, at 1 am, in a parking lot with like no lights whatsoever, in a strange neighbourhood. To what, punish his friend?
3. Drunk guy has his phone but leave's it in the car? He's not carrying a bag so why not just pop it into his pocket.
4. Then the blond guy get's out of the car instead of driving it to the atm, leaves the girl he like's in a car, in the middle of a dark parking lot, at 1 am, without locking the car, in a strange neighbourhood.
5. The blond girl decides to get out of the car, can't lock it with the buzzer and for some reason DOESNT USE THE KEY. So she leave's the car open, 100 feet from the ATM, in a dark parking lot, in a strange neighbourhood. A car which mind you isn't hers, leaves all the guys stuff in there, leaves her own purse in there, purse which holds her phone.
6. Let's watch this guy brain another guy and not run.
7. I'm not even going to continue. There is just so much wrong with this movie. Don't get me wrong, I didn't have it. I like the actors, thought they were pretty good. But you can't deny it was a very poor movie, storytelling wise which took massive liberties with how it explained details.