MovieChat Forums > X-Men '97 (2024) Discussion > Women trying to look 'heroic' makes no s...

Women trying to look 'heroic' makes no sense

I was watching some 'archcast' video. While he made some good points, (though missing certain core ideas), the comments missed all the points almost entirely.

It was a video about 'females looking heroic if they have a strong jawline' or something, which was then used to excuse the horrible trend of making women ugly, mostly by trying to make them look as masculine and 'like men' as possible.

In my opinion, it would be best if at least in games, players could customize their character as fully as possible, from the most feminine gas cloud to the most masculine rock monster and anything and everything inbetween and beyond. Who cares, it's their character, let them customize.

Corporations forcing all female characters (without even defining what a 'woman' is, of course, while also saying that genders are a social construction.. which reminds me, I read the stupidest thing for a long time recently. Someone said 'being a virgin' is a social construction. It's rare for me to be completely out of words, but that did it) to be ugly or 'manly' is pretty stupid, but doesn't surprise me.

However, when we consider what 'heroic' means, most people seem clueless. They either seem to think females can look just as heroic as men, and that 'looking heroic' is the same as 'being a hero' (it isn't).

This video was about 'heroic looks', NOT about 'being a hero', but the comment section didn't seem to understand this important distinction.

Anyone can do a 'heroic pose', regardless of their 'hero' status. 'Being a hero' is an activity and maybe attitude as well, but also a 'status' (or lack thereof). 'Looking heroic' is something completely different. You can 'look heroic' or 'have a heroic pose' or 'heroic body structure' while you are doing the most dastardly villain things ever.

Hero is someone that is of low value, so they are expendable. They can be sent to fulfill dangerous missions, dirty jobs, things more valuable people would never even sniff at. They are the lowest value MEN, that, historically speaking, were sent to do the dirty stuff so no one else had to. If they survived the task and completed the mission, then they were rewarded well (at least sometimes), but if they died, it didn't matter, they would just send another.

Hero is basically a slave that does things for the society or group so that the group can live in comfort and the 'valuable members' do not have to dirty their hands. When I say 'valuable', I, of course, mean to simply describe things from that world's or 'society''s perspective, I consider every human soul equal in value.

So when you realize that 'hero' is an expendable slave that serves others, you can realize women have, historically speaking, never been heroes, as women always have innate value; they can give you children and they have a vajayjey.

Women have simply always had 'pushy pass', to word it weirdly. They have always been able to charge for that kind of services (oldest profession).

This means, when it comes to 'looking heroic' and doing 'heroic poses', strong jawline, or any masculine features, especially 'exaggerated ones', are considererd 'heroic'. Men have done this so much, it's easy to see a man doing a heroic pose or looking 'heroic'.

Women can't really look heroic, as there's no template, there's no precedent, there's no real-life examples of 'heroic women', so whatever women do, they don't QUITE ever look 'heroic'.

Don't get your panties in a twist; just let's calmly examine.

Women can look demure, seductive, feminine, cute, even muscular and physically strong (to an extent), they can look competent, effective, sneaky, catlike, striking, beautiful, gorgeous, very able.

Women can look all kinds of things, but they can't look 'heroic', as there are no examples of what a heroic woman would look like. Sure, there are 'great women' in history, but if you look above as to what hero really means, can you point two 'hero women' of history?

Women have SO many other things to impress with their looks, that's why make-up and such exist, but men only have their 'utility' and 'physical strength' and 'expendability'. That's about it.

This means, since women are 'higher value beings', they don't really have those things. 'Using a woman' is a crime, but 'using a man' is the norm.

Women and men have equal strength and power, but their points have been spread differently. Men's are in physical and psychological strength, leadership, maybe even stoicism, direct intelligence, including mathematical and programming ability-type. Men see the big picture better, have better spatial awareness and so on.

Women's strenghts are manipulation of men (the physically strongest man can be EASILY seduced by a cute and feminine enough a woman), gossip (information spreading), social networking, agility, their ability to kill all feeling except anger (mother's instinct), socio-sexual power, nurturing and so on and so forth.

So anything a woman does, never looks 'heroic'.


Woman can BE a hero, but usually isn't, because she can SO easily manipulate a man to do that stuff for her. Even when a woman IS a hero (society gasps at putting a valuable woman into this expendable position), a man would still be better suited for that job, usually.

This means, there's no precedent of women being heroes, so 'heroic pose' for a woman does not look like a 'heroic pose', because if it looks like a woman, it's either cute, gorgeous, funny, or about thousand other things FIRST.

Men can't look cute, gorgeous or funny the same way, and even if they do, a woman will not see it as an attractive quality (a man does, when woman looks those things), so it ends up not being similar at all.

All this means that a woman can't REALLY look 'heroic'. She can look all kinds of things, but pretty much never 'heroic'.

Even She-Hulk from the comics, who has big muscles and lots of raw power, is not what comes to mind, when you think of 'heroic'. She is still feminine, sexual, 'attractive' and so on, but heroic? I don't think so. She's not the one you would want helping you in a crisis situation. She can't really even 'sacrifice herself heroically', because she's basically invincible and can't be injured (sort of).

Captain America - as silly as that concept is - always looks somewhat 'heroic', because you know he would sacrifice his life to save yours, and he has a very manly figure and has done heroic poses before. He also has a strong jawline.

So people confusing 'being a hero' and 'heroic pose' doesn't really help.

Superheroes always look very 'exaggerated', when it comes to human physique, but only the men look 'heroic'. The females look.. maybe 'cool' at best? They do look strong, capable, muscular and all that, but they never look like people who would sacrifice anything, because 'strong woman' just doesn't look expendable.

It doesn't help that women are always depicted as a bit of 'Mary Sues' that are as or stronger with their 'male counterparts'..


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.


Felt more off-topic and more specifically should be discussed in the Discussions. I read a bit but then it became a TL;DR thing and didn't seem to relate to the show itself.
