Wow, took me three years too many.....
I just finished this last night because for some reason I've just been putting this off over the past 3 years. I kept seeing that not so good RT score and Meta score and then I saw people posting "worst film ever made" and "pretentious"...yada yada yada. So, I just kept putting it off until I saw the trailer for Neon Demon and I thought, wait a minute, Refn is great, what am I doing?
This film was incredible. My goodness...the score/cinematography was as good as any film in 2013. Yes, maybe some people were put off by the acting and lack of dialogue, but I for one was not. In fact, I almost prefer films without much dialogue nowadays. I'm kind of tired of hearing pointless drivel and unfunny jokes.
Now I admit, the direction in Drive was superior, but this wasn't that far behind. This film overall may not be as good as Drive either, but this is easily on the level of a cult classic and definitely one of the best films of 2013, which, to be honest, was one of the best years for film that I've seen since 1999.