hawii5-0 board after this shuts down?
what other message boards are there for tv/movies? And that have a lot of members posting? I'd like to continue talking about hawaii 5-0
sharewhat other message boards are there for tv/movies? And that have a lot of members posting? I'd like to continue talking about hawaii 5-0
shareI'm hoping to find a new H50/AOL board too. Someone suggested http://www.fanforum.com/which I'll give a try. I'd be interested to know if there are any other boards too.
shareThanks Passion. This is one I hadn't seen yet. It looks like this one has been around awhile as it has quite a lot of users. I will definitely give it a try.
shareHere is another site that has movies, TV shows, etc. The link goes to the Hawaii 5-0 board.
Maybe life is a dream and we wake up when we die?
Here's an option for you:
All the other boards that have been recommend as replacements all suck. sorry but they either dont have enough shows or don't have enough people. I guess the world will just end on 2/20.
share@bratface23 mentioned TheMovieDB.org (TMDb).
TMDb has forums for all the shows, movies, and people in its database.
Here's their Hawaii Five-0 page:
and here's their board for this show:
(currently empty, waiting for posts)
Recent posts from other TMDb boards can be seen here:
Support discussions are here:
Come on over to my site, y'all, it's been around in some shape or form since 1997...