These guys are horrible

I will preface this with: I don't watch this out of choice so changing the channel isn't a valid response I'm afraid. I've had the misfortune of sitting through this show on a handful of occasions when I've been at a friend's house.

These guys are horrible. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it's an act they're putting on for tv value - but why is this act giving them tv value? Why do people want to watch utter asshats being so rude and cocky? I don't get the appeal at all.

I know, I know. I read a similar thread just now saying that the people obviously agree to being on the show, etc etc. I don't dispute that, and good for them (I wouldn't, but whatever) - my point isn't about the people appearing on the show, but just these two (and that trout Danielle too) being such deeply unlikeable people. The type who just go around being rude and sarcastic, under the guise of being "witty" or "honest" while they sit around congratulating themselves on being soooo "funny".

Aside from all this, I also take offence (in a sense) to the use of "archaeology" in their store Antique Archaeology. What they do is nothing like archaeology, even in the loosest sense of the word. If anything, they are doing the opposite to archaeology. I'd value the archaeological merit of metal detectorists before I would people who take old items purely to sell them with no thought to their historical context. Yes, yes, I know the items aren't in their original contexts, I mean it really winds me up to see people valuing an object's monetary value over the historical.

/End rant. Obviously I'm glad people who like it enjoy it, I just find it unwatchable. I only hope I never visit said friend when American Pickers is on in the future, but until then... ;)


 Great post Liz...

...... and BTW,

I don't watch this out of choice so changing the channel isn't a valid response

is NEVER a valid response... it adds nothing to the discussion, we pay for the garbage regardless if we watch or not, therefore have every right to voice our disapproval, and is used by those who really have no defense for the pos TV show.

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me, our discussion is over


.... ...but just these two (and that trout Danielle too) being such deeply unlikeable people. ....

They certainly throw off that vibe to a lot of people.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Early on when Wolfe was pitching this show it was all about the history of the item and the people who owned it. At that time, most articles about him or the show always emphasized that pitch line.

Fast forward and now most articles are the business variety and how well he is doing financially. No more talk about how he is saving history “one-piece-at-a-time” and the wonderful people he does “business” with.

He often crowed about how he had an hour-long television commercial for his “business” every week. But he has upped the ante on that bit of braggadocio:

"We’re on television now 20 hours a week!" he says. "Think about that. Think about if you’re Ford or Chevy, Lexus, whoever you are, whatever major corporation. Imagine trying to buy 20 hours a week of television, what that would cost you. You couldn’t do it. I don’t care who you are, you couldn’t do it consistently for almost six years. So for us, being a small business and having that type of exposure is crazy." ~ Mike Wolfe, Fast Company, February 27, 2105

He is all about the “company brand” now.

As far as the personalities of the cast on AP go, the cast works extra hard to round the rough edges of their real personalities for the television viewers but Wolfe has the hardest time overcoming his petulant, overbearing, egocentric, and grandiose nature. His true nature is revealed every time he speaks especially in the “talking head” segments, i.e., one time he convinced an owner to part with an item by promising it would be a part of his personal collection and not be resold. He turned around, cackling with glee when describing how much money he would make when he sold it.

Wolfe is a psychopath. A non-violent one, but still a psychopath.


Cyd... all these "reality shows" are, and have always been, nothing but "infomercials"...

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me, our discussion is over


Lol, that's funny because I think the exact opposite when I'm watching. These guys and Danielle seems like genuinely nice people and that's fun to see. I find it weird that anyone would take offense to them when there are so many real d-bags on TV who insults people on a very personal level like Gordon Ramsay or Jeremy Clarkson for example. I can't even watch their shows because they are such a-holes but I have no problem watching this.

When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul.


That's because the IMDB boards are infested by trolls who literally spend their waking hours mocking anyone who dares mention anything positive about shows they despise. They evidently have a miserable existence, what with constantly watching shows they hate (as opposed to doing activities they enjoy, as most sane people would), but I found it's very easy to just put such trolls on ignore, it makes the IMDB experience so much more enjoyable.

A few months ago they had a special episode that showed the behind the scenes aspects of the show and it was very interesting - they showed a tidbit where they knocked on an older gent's door, and when he opened up he immediately said something to the effect of "Hey I recognize you, you're those pickers on tv", to which Mike said "Oh no don't say that", so that showed why we don't see anyone recognizing them - those bits are simply edited out. There were loads of other interesting bits too, definitely worth a look ;)

IMDB's ignore user button = priceless :)


That's because the IMDB boards are infested by trolls who literally spend their waking hours mocking anyone who dares mention anything positive about shows they despise.

The Queen of the Trolls has spoken!

Michelle, when do you have to be back at the home?

I hear they're serving creamed corn tonight! 


The Queen of the Trolls has spoken!

 Yes she has Gubbio... and I think MiSHILLe just cuts and paste the following from her other posts...

That's because the IMDB boards are infested by trolls who literally spend their waking hours mocking anyone who dares mention anything positive about shows they despise. They evidently have a miserable existence, what with constantly watching shows they hate (as opposed to doing activities they enjoy, as most sane people would), but I found it's very easy to just put such trolls on ignore, it makes the IMDB experience so much more enjoyable.

It sounds like MiSHILLe might be talking about herself... notice that she crawls out from under her rock every few months, does a drive by post on this board to stir up spit with her rhetoric, and then slinks back and has an "O" over the trouble she stirred up on some dead board, over a dead show.

MiSHILLe is a lonely soul, and posts on these boards to get attention... and my money is on she's already back at "The Home" enjoying the creamed corn 

Oh, forgot to add this.....

A few months ago they had a special episode that showed the behind the scenes aspects of the show and it was very interesting - they showed a tidbit where they knocked on an older gent's door, and when he opened up he immediately said something to the effect of "Hey I recognize you, you're those pickers on tv", to which Mike said "Oh no don't say that", so that showed why we don't see anyone recognizing them - those bits are simply edited out. There were loads of other interesting bits too, definitely worth a look ;)

....or maybe .......... THIS bit was simply edited (scripted) IN. ?

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me, our discussion is over


MiSHILLe is a lonely soul, and posts on these boards to get attention...

That's hilarious coming from you.


>>> MiSHILLe is a lonely soul, and posts on these boards to get attention...<<<

That's hilarious coming from you.

Michelle is a "drive by" poster who takes pot-shots at other posters from the side lines -- then disappears. She never has anything positive to say. Never has anything to add to any conversation.

She tops-off this BIZZARE behavior by "threatening" to put one and all on "ignore" -- as if that is supposed to hurt someone's feelings or be some kind of punishment.

She's a real nut-job. I keep waiting for someone to drop a house on her.


Thanks Gubbio... writinman's also another drive by poster that adds nothing to the threads discussion.. his post are similar to Mishilles, in that they serve to deflect and take the thread off topic. It's been a few months since the nut job has been here.. and my thought is that writinman's post is a beach head to allow Mishille to come on here with her usual post... "The person you are talking about is on my ignore list... blah blah"

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me, our discussion is over


What do you think you offer this board with your stupid comments? You say nothing useful or important. You know nothing about the shows you comment on. Every post is the same old crap over and over and over again.

You are the King of the "drive by posters."

And you think you are adding actual, useful commentary here. With emoticons. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.


Wtf is wrong with you psychopathic losers?


Could you even be even more pathetically lame?


My God, you are such a loser *beep*

Please explain to me how "I hear they're serving creamed corn tonight!: is supposed to be witty?

Its just another loser taunt from just another loser online troll.

You have no life, no love, no anything, so you live to insult and be rude to others.

Why you havent put your head in an oven lomng ago makes no sense to me whatsoever.

Id NEVER love your life, Never-Ever.


My God, you are such a loser azzhole.

Please explain to me how "I hear they're serving creamed corn tonight!: is supposed to be witty?

Its just another loser taunt from just another loser online troll.

You have no life, no love, no anything, so you live to insult and be rude to others.

Why you havent put your head in an oven long ago makes no sense to me whatsoever.

Id NEVER love your life. Never-Ever.




Lord god man, have you not grown one bit emotionally since you were 7 years old? What an absolute loser. Enjoy your resentment and rage and loneliness. You've earned all three.


Back on topic as this is a discussion about the personalities of the cast and how the cast is perceived.

Back when the History Channel had discussion boards and after American Pickers premiered, the negative response to the cast (especially Mike Wolfe) and the show was OVERWHELMING. So much so, that the History Channel shut down all of the forums to “retool” and eventually the members were allowed to access them again.

After the forums returned, dissatisfaction with all of Dubuc’s new programming was the prevailing sentiment on the boards but a cadre of members staunchly defended every show and every cast member. The defenders said the shows were real... until they admitted they weren’t. They said they were depictions. No one knew how a business was operated until they explained the simple concept of “buy low” and “sell high”.

A predominant sentiment regarding any of the shows was about the casts’ personalities, as would be expected. As far as AP was concerned, I believe the early episodes revealed Mike Wolfe’s true personality and the prevailing attitudes about him was that there was just something about this Mike Wolfe guy that caused a large number of viewers’ BS detector needles to be buried. These attitudes were based solely on his TV appearances because nobody knew who the hell he was and that perception can largely be attributed to his personality and how he conducted himself on the show.

People didn’t like him or his business because of the way he acted on TV. Only he wasn’t acting... he was being the real Mike Wolfe. His ego wouldn’t allow any other depiction. He came across as arrogant, pushy, insincere, two-faced, deceitful, superficial, manipulative, egocentric, a liar, etc.

These unflattering perceptions were the result of his portrayal of his true self – the viewers just responded to what they saw on their televisions.

Hell, the History Channel lawyers had to issue two statements to defend the show, Mike Wolfe, and the producers’ actions; the first saying that Mike Wolfe’s deal with an elderly saddle seller resulted in “no elderly person was hurt during the filming of this episode” and the other regarding the infamous cross, which in effect, said “no graves were robbed during the filming of this episode”. Mike Wolfe’s true self and his willingness to show his business on TV prompted those responses; he alone, is responsible for the perceptions of the viewers.

As far as dbags like Gordon Ramsay, et al, who are upfront with their dbaggery, at least it is upfront. I would worry more about a guy who says over and over that he respects the people he deals with and that it is all about the history when he is really in the Mike Wolfe business and not the American Pickers business.

There is just something about the guy that rubs people the wrong way.


Bravo Cydnee


A few months ago they had a special episode that showed the behind the scenes aspects of the show and it was very interesting - they showed a tidbit where they knocked on an older gent's door, and when he opened up he immediately said something to the effect of "Hey I recognize you, you're those pickers on tv", to which Mike said "Oh no don't say that", so that showed why we don't see anyone recognizing them - those bits are simply edited out. There were loads of other interesting bits too, definitely worth a look ;)

Thanks for the tip. It does sound interesting. :) Do you know what episode number it was so I can find it easier?

When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul.


No I don't sorry - when I look through the episodes list there's nothing that seems to describe it, yet it definitely aired...

IMDB's ignore user button = priceless :)


I don't watch this out of choice so changing the channel isn't a valid response I'm afraid.

So, who's holding a gun to your head and making you watch it?

"Мы вас похороним!"


Read the next sentence and you'd see the OP doesn't want to be rude, and tell her host to shut the garbage show off......

I've had the misfortune of sitting through this show on a handful of occasions when I've been at a friend's house.

.... deflection adds nothing to the discussion regarding what garbage these guys are, and is just an attempt to take the thread off topic, and start a circle jerk argument....

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me, our discussion is over


Maybe its time to find a new friend then ...

"Мы вас похороним!"


Those guys are totally horrible I agree. I sometimes watch it just so I can insult them out loud! I remember once, those 2 blood sucker were trying to scam a poor girl whose dad recently died. One of the con artist said " Waow It's like her dad was showing us the good stuff". I thought OMG ! If the dad was still alive he would have shot you in the head and not allowed you to rip off his poor girl,and steal from his precious collection !
They always have the good excuse " we need some meat on the bone ". My god what a bunch of crooks . In my country buying things up to 5 times less than the market price to a poor women is a felony and you go in jail for that because this is considered as abusing someone with impaired judgment. Let's call this "show" "American Thieves" or better "American Vultures" as they always talk about "eating meat out of cadavers "


Apparently, you didn't receive the memo that the picks are scripted and STAGED, and the "pickees" are in on the nonsense.

The "pickees" are fully informed and sign paperwork. No one is holding a gun to their heads and forcing them to sell anything.

There's no business like show business. 


No one is holding a gun to their heads and forcing them to sell anything.

that argument doesn't work in a court of law. If you are good con artist you can easily abuse people grieving , or old ladys. No need for violence. That's why they are called crooks and not thieves.


that argument doesn't work in a court of law. If you are good con artist you can easily abuse people grieving , or old ladys. No need for violence. That's why they are called crooks and not thieves.

You are entitled to your opinion, and if you want to think the guys are despicable, that is certainly your prerogative.

But, did you read the first part of my statement?

The "pickees" are in on the scam.

As I keep saying, most of these people are hoarders and don't even know what they have. At the end of the day, they have money in their pockets that they otherwise wouldn't have -- and they'd just be sitting there with their hoard.

It's a "reality show," which most of us know isn't "real."


Some of the poor guys they visit are scared or intimidated and clearly didn't really want to be filmed. OR give their treasured possessions away.


Some of the poor guys they visit are scared or intimidated and clearly didn't really want to be filmed. OR give their treasured possessions away.

Did you read any of this thread?

Most of it is staged, and the "pigeons" are in on the scam.

Save your sympathy for someone who really needs it.


Staged? That shouldn't be allowed without a disclaimer before every show. The thing that makes these sort of shows interesting and watchable is because the viewers believe they are watching people doing their real, interesting job. Why bother telling us what the items sell for then? It can't be staged but true as well.
No one wants to watch a drama or soap based on 2 guys who look for treasure among junk.


Staged? That shouldn't be allowed without a disclaimer before every show. The thing that makes these sort of shows interesting and watchable is because the viewers believe they are watching people doing their real, interesting job.

Mike is looking for things he can make money on -- and making a show out of it.

I suspect that Mike and/or his crew comb through the rubble -- before the cameras roll -- and decide which objects they will highlight and discuss. When taping, they make it look like they just stumbled on these items. They probably even agree on the prices beforehand.

Didn't you ever wonder why, when the "pigeons" answer the door, they act completely natural -- and not at all surprised to see a full camera crew there filming Mike's and Frank's arrival?

You don't really believe this is taped extemporaneously, do you?

This is a "reality show," and most reality shows aren't real.


yes that makes sense. But I don't think about stuff like that because it ruins the enjoyment and involvement if you're of the mindset that everything is fake or set up.


But I don't think about stuff like that because it ruins the enjoyment and involvement if you're of the mindset that everything is fake or set up.

You can still enjoy seeing the old crap that people are hoarding.

That's more interesting than what they "got" for it, or what Mike "paid."

Who cares? I don't give a rat's ass about those things.


Reading the posts here it's difficult to believe we're watching the same show.

I find Mike and Frank to be very likable. In fact, I'll have the show on in the background when I'm doing other things just because it's like hanging out with people whose company I enjoy. I have absolutely no idea where these charge of Mike being rude, aggressive, etc are coming from. He is unfailingly polite and respectful and goes out of his way to compliment people and show them that he appreciates what they're doing. He and Frank have a great sense of humor and it's fun to watch them working together.

The comments on here about prices are far from the mark. They generally offer about half what the retail value of the item. Sometimes somewhat less but often somewhat more. That's more than fair. You cannot operate a business paying retail prices for your merchandise. I don't see anything predatory about their offers. Many times I've seen them pay more than the seller asked because the sellers didn't know the value of the item. There have been a few times I've seen them get something for a price that seemed unfairly cheap but those are infrequent exceptions, as far as I can tell.

Remember, too, that they're assuming risk for many items because it's impossible to predict what they'll sell for. They've lost money on many items. I know Frank has lost thousands of dollars on old cars.

There's a fair amount of irony in reading complaints about Mike's rudeness.

