TIck Tock

They recently aired a show where they talked about Frank being nicknamed "Tick Tock" when he was in high school because he was heavily into collecting clocks. And to demonstrate it, he bought a grandfather's clock from some family.

Now I admit I haven't seen every show, and I admit I don't always watch them that closely when they're on. But I've seen a lot of episodes where there have been clocks and I've never seen Frank pay much attention to them. Why is this coming up so late in the series? And why doesn't Frank buy more clocks? Maybe he's burned out on them?


Because like all the "picks" it scripted lame attempts at being funny and or interesting. The show is all fake.


rmontro whined:

They recently aired a show where they talked about Frank being nicknamed "Tick Tock" when he was in high school because he was heavily into collecting clocks. And to demonstrate it, he bought a grandfather's clock from some family.

Now I admit I haven't seen every show, and I admit I don't always watch them that closely when they're on. But I've seen a lot of episodes where there have been clocks and I've never seen Frank pay much attention to them. Why is this coming up so late in the series? And why doesn't Frank buy more clocks? Maybe he's burned out on them?

There's been an American Pickers marathon since 5PM yesterday (on until 4AM Monday morning, actually) and there's been at least five different old episodes where they mention that Frank was heavily interested in clock collecting back in high school. Like you said, you haven't seen every episode and you don't pay close attention when they're on. But you're completely wrong on point here. So they didn't mention his nickname in high school. So what?? What's the big conspiracy, exactly? And why do you care?


Because like all the "picks" it scripted lame attempts at being funny and or interesting. The show is all fake.

If you don't like the show, watch another channel. Or watch a DVD, read a book, go out and volunteer at a homeless shelter in your community, start a food drive for families in need, go hiking, do some yard work, go to a museum, take in an indie film somewhere, go to a restaurant you've never been to before... You taking my point?


I, in fact don't watch it. I think it's a terrible show. Whether i watch or not doesn't change the fact that it is entirely scripted and staged nor does it change whether you like it and watch it or not. You taking my point?


I have 3 things that I collect: horses, Santa Clauses and items made from terra cotta. I'm only interested in buying for my collections if I come across one that's unlike any I already have. Right now I have stopped collecting Santas because I just have way too many of them. Maybe that's why Frank has passed on the clocks you saw. OR maybe it ended up on the cutting room floor.

As for the other guy that says the show is fake and he hates it and never watches it, WHAT are you doing on this board???

Kiwi's Big Adventure


Maybe his oil cans got jealous?


To whoever in this thread said this show is "all fake" I have to disagree. I'm sure some of it is scripted, especially the banter between Frank and Michael and Danielle. But to say the whole show is scripted is silly! It would cost more to stage some of these places than it cost to make the movie The Godfather.
