Mike goes so overboard
My god Mike is the king of overstatement and exaggeration. Everything is humbling and so interesting to him and he's constantly "blown away" and everything connects with him on so many levels or has an "unbelieveable story behind it" and "he gets pulled in" because of the "presence" of a place or an item. Everything is/was his "favorite thing to do" depending on where he is or who he's dealing with. He gets so excited that I don't know now he's able to negotiate for a good price when it's obvious when he really likes and wants something.
Usually he's talking about things that 99% of people would regard as trash or certainly wouldn't pay much for, if anything at all. A good example was in the last episode "Another Brick in the Wall". When he was introduced to that patchwork jacket and the pottery. The way he was falling all over his self because of how it spoke to him and the story it told resonated with him. The jacket was a mess and who would want that and what would they even do with it? Certainly not wear it since it was falling apart. Then later talking about how humbled he is because someone saved a button or a piece of string, lol.
Everytime they do one of those side pieces where he's talking directly to the camera you can bet he'll say something outrageous like "I feel like I'm being guided by some dead person to find some piece of junk or a missing piece to an item.
And his laugh could be the worst I've ever heard come from a man.