I like this movie but.. (spoilers)
Any woman in her right mind would choose Tuck. I mean oh my god... oh my effing god!!! Tom Hardy is one of the hottest, sexiest men on the planet and then they added in him being this mix of a badass CIA agent AND romantic, sweet and a total gentleman who admires family and love? I wish they would have made Reese Witherspoon's character more rough around the edges to show why she'd go with the obvious womanizer? Chris Pine is hot, but not nearly as hot as Tom Hardy. Chris Pine sometimes reminds me of James Marsden but hes not as hot as James Marsden. Had they cast James-- I might have watched this with a little more "Ooohh who should win her?!" But I still like Tom Hardy more. And they should have cast someone else other than Reese. Her "charm" didn't really shine in this movie and she didn't seem worthy of either of them actually. I mean she did but in reality someone like FDR wouldn't be into a woman who sells smart products and is honestly a little boring. If they are going to keep Chris Pine at least cast a diff leading woman. But Tuck made this film for me so the fact that she didnt choose him prob is just so they took a different and less obvious route because to any woman ever, Tuck is the "perfect man"