Being review bombed by racist
One of the best movies I've seen this year, only people upset about it are racists who can't stand movies without any white poeple.
shareOne of the best movies I've seen this year, only people upset about it are racists who can't stand movies without any white poeple.
shareLeft-wing angst in its full glory.
shareonly people upset about it are racists who can't stand movies without any white poeple.
Gotta love conservative projection. Honey, you're the one who is triggered. Minorities have been watching films and tv shows for decades that portray mainly white characters, and they've been just fine. But, you can't handle one movie that has a main character who is mixed race. It seems to bother you that there are people of different races who want to see diverse stories, and that they have enough spending power to influence choices of entertainment. Not everyone is sheltered and ignorant. A lot of us see minorities, immigrants, women, gays, and trans individuals every day. They are part of the fabric of our society and we're fine seeing stories that reflect their experiences. Grow up.