MovieChat Forums > Blitz (2024) Discussion > Racists Crying about DEI Hires

Racists Crying about DEI Hires

The usual uneducated and ignorant idiots who never read history books, therefore wrongfully believe 1940s England was 100% white are crying because a movie has black people in it.

They make up the local chapter MC chapter of the KKK.

Meanwhile, they have no problem with whitewashed movies and TV series. Typical entitled racist hypocrites who expect white-skin privilege.


No one is crying or claiming that 1940s England was 100% white. This is a strawman that you've created in order to insult others. If anything, the overemotional and irrational one here is you.

In 1951, according to the best available data, about 99.8% of the population was white. Most of the non-white population was Asian. This leaves 0.05% of the population who came from West Africa and the West Indies. Some of that group would have been South Asian in origin, and 1951 was six years after the end of the war and three years after the start of the Windrush. So less than 0.05% of the population was black during the war. England wasn't 100% white during the Blitz, but it very nearly was. (source:, see 'Estimations of white and non-white population in England and Wales, 1951-1968')

The Blitz is a key foundation of modern British identity and myth-making, and the central narrative of the Blitz was that Londoners worked together to survive, overcoming class differences and living cheek by jowl in bomb shelters and on crowded Tube platforms. McQueen has gone to a great effort to put aside real people's lives and instead insert race and racism into an event that wasn't about race at all. Pointing out that this is obsessive and inappropriate isn't racist or privileged. I'm mixed-race myself, and I'm utterly sick and tired of the focus on skin colour and "white privilege".

Instead of whingeing about others' opinions, make the positive case for focusing on a black person during the Blitz. Out of the stories of 9 million Londoners, why is this the one that must be told? Remember that it's a fictional story - the boy never existed - while there's a plethora of true stories of tragedy, excitement, heroism, love, heartbreak, terror, etc. No one can claim that this is a story that demands to be told, because it never happened. All this focus on race does is divide us further.




Hopefully that shut him up.


>Out of the stories of 9 million Londoners, why is this the one that must be told?

why does it bother you that this one movie isn't about a white person like every other WWII movie? I wonder...


Your only response to my post, which made several points, is that I must be racist, but you're wrong. My father is an non-white immigrant. My wife is a non-white immigrant. I've twice been an immigrant myself in other countries.

You have no ideas or opinions of your own. You've unthinkingly accepted the set of beliefs demanded by your ideology, which is why you shout "racism" rather than try to argue rationally. You have no meaningful response to criticism because you never thought your way into the positions you hold, meaning that there is nothing to support them. Like all ideologues, you're an empty vessel that relies on bad-faith beliefs that other people created.


You're a chronically online person that repeats far right shit you see on social media and thinks himself a free thinker for saying lots of words. I'm surprised you didn't say the W one.


Get a fucking life mate.


Get a fucking brain, chav. Go back to the Hulk Hogan board.


Often, a person who writes a story wants to write a story that reflects a piece of themselves while resonating with their audience (audiences who have been in a town of more than 100,000 and aren't startled and afraid of people who look different than themselves). Movies typically focus on the exceptional, the out of the ordinary. You don't watch a movie about a person who passes by a bank one day, keeps walking, and then a bank robbery escape unfolds behind them. You watch the movie about that person who just happened to be walking by the bank and all hell breaks loose, enfolding that character into an unusual scenario. This movie focuses on a well-known event, that has in many ways and will continue to be brought to life through art, that brought people together as seen through the eyes of a child who was part of that time, but not of an age to realize why he was different. The fact that you are so sheltered that it sticks out to you as inauthentic is a nod to your own fears and intolerance in seeing the stories of others.


Ha Ha, your silly comment made me laugh out loud Keelai, and I can't stop laughing.

This film is just the usual balderdash I come to expect from Woke Wapple.

I'm still laughing at you Keelai, are you still angry? Ha Ha
