More DEI blacks

This is yet another example of the diversity and inclusion trash being shoved down everyone’s throat. Equity doesn’t allow us to have our own stories anymore — they have to be shared with blacks, forced into our narratives whether it makes sense or not. We aren’t allowed to celebrate our culture or our history without it being hijacked. Now we’re expected to include minorities in everything that’s ours, as if we don’t even have the right to our own identity anymore.


It's about $$$ or maybe in this context £££.

If they have an all white cast, which you'd expect from something set in early 1940s London during the Blitz, then they're afraid of losing a section of the audience when the inevitable backlash starts on social media over why something doesn't have any diversity in it, and they're also looking to appeal to non-white audiences and get more viewers from them and thus more money.


Diversity doesn’t attract enough minorities to make any meaningful difference. What it does do, however, is alienate White people. Whatever minor gains they might achieve with minorities are more than offset by the loss of White support. Increasingly, even the so-called normies are growing tired of the relentless push for diversity and inclusion, and more White people are rejecting it outright.


Whatever minor gains they might achieve with minorities are more than offset by the loss of White support.

They'll always have that support from white audiences. Who do you think goes to watch all those shitty jordan peele movies? The Acolyte failed because they loaded the cast with all diversity when in reality you still need token whites in there as that's the main audience.

Forced diversity was originally done to appease minorities who complained bitterly when someone who looked like them wasn't onscreen. Nowadays it's simply about being provocative. They know that they put tokens into films where they don't belong, it's the whole purpose.


Typical triggered crybaby. Waaaaaahhhhh. It's funny when someone can't handle one freaking movie that has a black character in it. Oh no! The crybaby is alienated. Waaaaaahhhhhh! It's called projection, dude. Learn it.


One movie? Are you serious? They’re shoved into almost every movie these days (Not to mention every ad), forced into roles where they don’t belong and where their presence is utterly absurd. Based on how overrepresented they are, you’d think they made up half the population, when in reality they’re only 13%. Whites deserve their own stories and exclusive spaces. We shouldn’t have to see blacks or hear from them constantly. No one is interested in watching them
