Emily Browning is not...

...sexy. She is kind of pretty facially, but the body is just not enticing.


Some people think she's really sexy. I think she's pretty, but she is very petite. Her frame is small and at times she looked almost childlike during her nude scenes in this movie. It was weird.



Um, I don't play on that team, but I'll let you have your moment of glory.


This was just about the most awkward, uncomfortable post I've ever had to read.


I've heard this argument before, and I don't like it. So is she suppose to remain single for the duration of her life simply because she's short and has a petite frame? That's nonsense.


As a petite woman myself, I thank you for your post. It's really disheartening when people view being short as some kind of genetic or physical flaw.


I LOVE short women. I also find it very sexy when a woman wears high heels, but it's a turn off when the woman in heels approaches my height of 5'11". So if a woman can wear sexy heels and still be significantly shorter than me then I'm pleased. Why shorties don't get more attention is a mystery to me.


everybody has their own taste and I don't care for a child appearance and consider it pretty gross sexually so this movie is hard to watch....

it does seem like there are a lot of big woman haters for petite women, but it's all based on jealousy and our ever fattening society... every time this subject comes up online the big girls attack the petite girls for being petite... don't get that.... but that goes way outside of this discussion

that being said my idea of hot in a grown woman is like 5 foot and 100 pounds... and there's plenty of us out there so don't sweat the idiots CarpeDiemO_O ... PM me ;) j/k lol


Actually, I think Picasner is a male.


There is nothing unattractive about a petite woman. In fact some of the most beautiful women in the world are petite.
The issue with Browning is she has very unattractive legs. From her head to the bottom of her thighs, she is appealing; however, once you get to the knees and below......Game over. Her calves are bow legged, and almost deformed. In this movie, I also noticed she could use a new pair of feet......lol.

Please don't confuse petite with being unattractive. Unattractive comes in all sizes.


The majority of the world must be "deformed" then Unknownian. Her legs looked perfectly normal to me<smh> Amazing the things freaks say online. She has a very feminine shape(hips) which alot of women don't. She could've been blessed with breasts more in proportion to her hips would be my only comment. She's only small in height and breast size people.


In your "Infinite Rage" ...lol, you has missed the comedy in my post. And yes, the majority of the world is deformed. Just visit Wal*Mart..:). However, the majority of the world isn't being paid Boo-Koo bucks to be portrayed as a Sleeping Beauty in Hollywood movies.

In her first major movie,(Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events) the Director cleverly covered her bow legs in boots and spats. It wasn't until the release of The Uninvited, that we really got a look at the whole package. A very talented, attractive petite young lady, but as far as her bow legs are concerned.....game over. And yes, it is amazing the things "freaks" will say on line...:) At least in "my" opinion, and in from my perspective, she's bow-legged. No big deal however,....I still enjoyed the movie.


I've only dated short women, petite is my thing. Not stick thing, not heavy, but athletic and petite.


Don't worry, I once made love to a particularly attractive dwarf.
Well, I think she was a dwarf.


Short & petite girls tend to be more horny because they have more testosterone hormone flowing than other girls.

"Friends are dangerous things" ~ John Cavil


Short & petite girls tend to be more horny because they have more testosterone hormone flowing than other girls. []

That's a new one! Although, as a petite number myself, it certainly would explain a few things 

I thought EB looked fine - she's a young woman and her delicate physical form emphasised that. I don't know that an Amazonian goddess would have looked believable in the part somehow...

So put some spice in my sauce, honey in my tea, an ace up my sleeve and a slinkyplanb


Thanks for admitting. :)

Let the trolls of IMDb howl in despair for I have returned!!!



I find this attitude offensive in truth. As if in some way only tall statuesque women are attractive. Personally I LOVE "short" women and think both short and small busted women are all that no matter what some sexist prick thinks.


I kind of think that was the point? Her body underdeveloped is very innocent.


Speak for yourself; I'd pay to lie down next to her.


I think she's sexy and pretty. She looks tiny.


You could play one of the old men in the film. Then you would even get paid "to lie down next to her".


Very well said, masuka-fan!


You've got to be kidding me. Her hips were insane! If you guys think he body looked childlike you must have been strictly looking at her breasts.


Yeah, there was that scene at the end, where she staggers out of bed to plant the camera and as she turns back to the bed her front profile faces the screen and she had amazing hips, very curvy.


She also had short legs and giant slapping Gollum feet.

Hitler was a dog person.


Her feet and legs seemed perfectly proportioned for the rest of her her frame. If you're actually that picky even with someone as beautiful as she is (and I'm saying this as a straight woman), than you must be a pretty unlikable person to be around. A woman doesn't have to be a super model to have a nice body or nice legs.


I'm just saying what I saw with my eyes. I made a post relevant to the topic that included an opinion. That makes me a scumbag? It's totally subjective. "Seemed"? You don't sound convinced yourself.

I could have lied.

Would you have preferred that? Is it really you that has the short legs and the giant slapping Gollum feet? Is that why you are getting all upset on the Internet?

Maybe I was too harsh on her legs. Her hips make her legs look shorter than they really are. Maybe I could balance it out, to offend the almighty some random person on the Internet a little less by saying something nice, like maybe I think she has a nice stomach. Would that dry your tears? Should I, as such an apparently unlikable person...care?

The real world is full of "likable" cowards who would rather lie to you than hurt your feelings. I'm sure you'd love it there.

Hitler was a dog person.


I never called you a scumbag, just stated that you seemed unlikable. And now I'll add incredibly immature. And I do in fact have short legs, but I wear a size 5 in shoes and sometimes have to shop in the girls' shoe department depending on the store, so that's a definite no on the gollum feet. Regardless, it's clear from your asinine comments that you simply like attention, so this will be the last time I respond to you.


"Asinine"? In this day and age?

Hitler was a dog person.


You come off as a miserable human being... I hope I never have the misfortune of meeting you... cheers!

Right. Well, I have to-- I have to go now, Duane, because I, I'm due back on the planet Earth.


reading all these people post about how childlike she looked, in my mind i'm like "they must be looking at her breast only"... your damn right Rachel123465... her hips are insane... i had krazy thoughts just looking at them throughout the show.



I get the impression that the people who think whe's beautiful with a great body, are all women.
Do women think she's so beautiful just because she's so skinny. Not thin, skinny.


I think she's beautiful because she has a perfect body. I wish I had a body like that. I prefer small boobs on women because I hate boobs, so if I have to look at boobs they should def be small. Anyway, I love her body. It def has curves! Wtf? She's perfectly shaped, is all. People are jealous. ;)

Sometimes, I wish I was a ho.


Her body is smokin' hot. Tits are not everything. Great hips and ass.


Nope, I'm a guy and I think she's gorgeous. Beautiful figure and I love her skin, so fair and smooth.


I'm a guy, and I think Emily Browning is very great looking.

Admittedly, I DO have a preference for short, petite, pale women.

"Our destiny lies above us."
November 7th, 2014


Re: "but the body is just not enticing."

Yeah, if you're gay, lol.


Her face is adorable.

Permanently swollen breasts:
http://www.prettyhotandsexy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Emily-Brown ing.jpg

Landing strip of hair above her vulva:
http://aussiecelebs.venusblogger.com/files/2012/06/emily-browning-nude -01.jpg

She's not very big, but she has clearly gone through puberty. Looking at her makes you wonder if she is even 18 yet, even though she is past twenty when this movie was filmed.


She's about the same size my ex wife was when we first started dateing and we where both in our college years at the time. I thought she was very beautiful, specialy dressed in the white.


different strokes...

at the end of the day if you are seeing someone just for her body, it's not going to last very long

personally i think she's beautiful and the vulnerability she created in the character carried the movie


Well said.

God might, I won't.


I'd say most people, like myself find many different body types and sizes attractive. I don't find just ONE type attractive. I'd also say most people like the people they date and marry AND find them attractive.....kind of 50/50 of liking their looks and the person.

You're just talking about exclusive factors as if you can like someone for their looks.....OR......for their personality. That's false. Most people prefer and get BOTH. Apparently according to you, you can either go for someone who you don't like and is a shallow person but is attractive or you can be with someone who you don't find physically attractive but has a great personality. No, I want both, not one or the other.

Also, you act as if anyone who thinks Browning is very attractive thinks only this one body type is attractive and no others. Also wrong. Most people find many body types, heights, hair color, breast size attractive.


For someone who went to college, you misspelled the word "dating", "were" and "especially" and that was in only 2 sentences!



If you say so...
