All this talk of a hoax...
Leaves me baffled!
Did half of you actually watch this?
It's clearly about a crazy French guy with more money than sense (but a genius businessman) who makes friends with some street artists, thinks "Ive spent years with these guys, I know how to be an artist" and ends up being very damn lucky, by cashing In on the whole "street art" bandwagon
It even says in the documentary that banksy told him to go to LA for a few months and practice his art, MBW takes this way over board, and ends up thinking he's an artist.
Throughout the film he refers to himself as a "filmmaker" despite the fact, he never made a film.
He just happened to be a guy that, for whatever strange reason, filmed everything, and that everything happened to be hours of street artists, doing there thing.
He then meets banksy, who wants to use all this footage to make an actual documentation of the rise of street art, like Guetta had been telling everyone all along was his intention, which was clearly a lie, he just wanted to be part of the whole street art movement, without the camera, people wouldn't let him tag along.
Then whilst banksy is in England going through thousands of hours of footage to make a documentation of the art, he gets a phone call from his French mate in LA saying "yeah I did what you told me, I made some art... I made a couple of hundred pieces, thought I'd put on a gallery and sell it all yano, like what artists do? "
Then banksy is like wtf? And sees it all for what it is, that with enough hype you can convince anybody. Especially Americans. MBW wasn't trying to con anyone, neither was banksy. MBW wanted to be like all the cool street artists, just like so many other kids around the world. The only difference was, he had the resources and funds available to pull it off. It didn't matter that he was a terrible artist, he had the money to make it happen..
The whole thing reminds me of that episode of friends where Monica has a boyfriend who is a millionaire and he decides to become a mixed martial artist, despite the fact he has no training or anything. He thinks that because he has the money he can buy his way Into talent. This is just like Guetta, only difference is, Guetta hyped himself up with a quote from banksy, and everyone thought "ooh this guy must be the next big thing, I better buy it"
The thing that really made it clear to me, is when Guetta is saying he wants his gallery to be "just like banksys". He saw the success of banksy, and thought his years of following artists around meant he could do the same.
Tbh it's all very clear and In the film. It's not even an hour and half long, so you have no excuse for not watching.