Thierry's [+ Banksy's] motives were multiple
Thierry's [& Banksy's] motives were multiple, imho. A lot of the discussion on the boards has to do with whether the former had art, fame, money, obsession et al as his motive, as well as whether he was right or wrong, good or bad, artist or charlatan, etc. I think like us he was a gestalt. Similarly a lot of Banksy's presumed intentions have involved pigeon-holing into either/or, satire vs. exposition & on & on. I think his feelings & motives, too, were mixed. At a bunch of levels the film tries to define both artist & art & does both well, like most good documentaries bringing up a whole lot of new questions or old questions from novel perspectives. I haven't had so many closely-spaced lol's at a film in a long time. Thierry was to established street artists what street art was to traditional. ...lots of fun questions.