Thierry/MBW gets a bum rap

[If you want to argue that this film is fake, please take it to one of the many other threads devoted to that topic.]

Yes, Thierry is a very clever businessman, gifted at the art of hype. But he's also a nice guy who seems very genuine. He spent years helping out these street artists and documenting their works, and when he ultimately leverages that apprenticeship into sort of leapfrogging past them and becoming a smash success, they react, sadly, in the classic typical way of resenting his success and trying to tear him down even though he never had a single negative word to say about any of them.

The documentary throughout subtly tries to portray him as a buffoon (which I think is mostly unfairly based on his French accent; I suspect he'd be pretty articulate in his native tongue). Then at the end it tries to spin his promotion of the art show as "hyping" when, the documentary strongly hints, he should be "working" instead. Obviously his "hype" was fabulously successful and the show was a hit! He could have been all serious and avoided "hype" and then lost his house--would that have satisfied the purists?

See a list of my favourite films here:


No offense, alankingsleythomas. But that interpretation of the film is the face value view. It is what we are told on the screen. Bansky appears openly disgusted and jealous of Mr. Brainwash, Thierry's success. Banksy seems very petty and shallow.

But....this film was made BY Bansky. Why would he even make a movie glorifying Thierry and making him into a fantastic, underdog hero and making himself look so petty if he was really so disgusted and jealous of him?

Answer: Banksy wasn't really jealous or disgusted with Thierry at all.

Once you understand that, the rest isn't too hard to figure out. Especially when you notice the similarity in artistic style between Mr. Brainwash and Bansky.


Apparently you can't follow a basic request to keep the conspiracy theories to the MILLION other threads on that subject! Sheesh.

See a list of my favourite films here:
