MovieChat Forums > Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) Discussion > Is it bad that I sorta like some of the ...

Is it bad that I sorta like some of the MBW stuff???

I know, it's shallow, a rip-off of a rip-off and from some perspectives a total joke
some of the stuff, though, just looks kinda cool. Like The Beatles made by records.
It's probably an idea jacked from another more inspired artist, but I just kind of like how it looks.
So I like some of it, yup.
at the end of the day I like street art a lot more, personally.
s'that bad???



Yeah. Reaper's right in many ways.

It's not really the point to figure out if it's a joke or not. So what if it was? Art takes new shape as soon as the artist is finished, and with each passing set of eyes. If you like it, embrace it without shame. Or as JollyReaper said "*beep* anyone who tells you it's a bad thing."


i dont have much respect for MBW, but...

1. It's not really fair to judge him solely on one documentary made about him. (and these opinions are moot if the film was mostly hoax)


2. I actually liked the picture of Michael Jackson with Marilyn Monroe's hair. (although it's not very impressive to put MM's hair on EVERYONE.)

"This is Sparta!"
"I'm sorry, can you speak up?"


(although it's not very impressive to put MM's hair on EVERYONE.)
well, except it kind of is

You must have been so afraid, Cassie... Then you saw a cop.


Sure, MBW's work is extremely derivative, but that doesn't make it "bad." I find the nature of it, deliberate or not, really do say something about our society. He's taken a Renaissance work method (create a studio, hire people to physically make the art that is his idea, and put his name on it) and married it to an ad agency dynamic and ends up saying something about our consumerist culture. Whether or not that was deliberate (I think it wasn't), it is still great.



Right, it's pop art, and I like it too. I like your comparison to music: it's awesome when someone comes up with a really original sound, like the later Beatles did; but the early Beatles that's simple and poppy and derivative of earlier styles is great too!

Not that MBW's art is comparable to the Beatles in quality level; but I for one don't only listen to musicians that are in the pantheon of the Greatest Ever of All Time. Sometimes it's fun to listen to a poppy OK Go song, and that's what MBW is like for me.

See a list of my favourite films here:


MBW's art is derivative in the same way Banksy's art is derivative. In fact, MBW's art IS Banksy's art. That's the best part of the hoax of this movie. Banksy gives his own art huge, worldwide exposure without even having to claim it as his own.

Mentioning The Beatles is very appropriate. John Lennon was famous for saying in the 60's, "The Beatles are more popular than Jesus!". It was a cheeky statement and later groups as diverse as Milli Vanilli and Oasis has played off of that by claiming "We're now more popular than The Beatles!".

Do you get the joke?

It is the same joke that Banksy (MBW) makes with his Campbell Soup spray cans. Also in the 60's, Andy Warhol made a statement about art and society with his Campbell Soup Can painting. Banksy is making a statement about modern art and society AND Andy Warhol AND himself with the spray can Campbell soup. Street art is the new Warhol. That is the message, or something like that.

With this movie, Banksy gets to make a lot of money from his art without openly self-promoting it and he gets to make fun of the art world and the hype that drives it and he gets to fool a bunch of people in the process. Freaking brilliant is what he is.


Street art is the new Warhol. That is the message, or something like that.

Shut the fvck up. Andy Warhol was his own thing. Just because Banksy makes a reference doesn't mean pop-art and tagging have anything to do with each other.

*beep* pleb.

"Sorry detective. There was a fish... IN the percolator."


You have no penis and you are stupid. You haven't even seen this movie. Freaking stalker. Luckily your absent penis makes it impossible for you to rape people except in your dreams.
