
Have they explained, as the french guy says he deleted everything, how the Disneyland film of the puppet is actually in the documentary



I don't recall Thierry saying he deleted "everything." He deleted photos from one camera's memory card. I also think he said he slipped a video tape from another camera into his sock...



Yeah, yeah. Sure. And we also believe Disney keeps a secret Gestapo squad like that around to rough up visitors who get out of line.

Please. This movie is a hoax. You can't understand it until you have that fact firmly in mind. Once you know that, the true meaning of the whole movie will fall into place for you.


Ummm.... Yes... absolutely, that stunt would get you into the security offices at Disney.... Don't kid yourself.... I know a guy who worked for Disney corporate, and he got his cousin into the park using his pass, but accepting payment for it (a big no-no).... They were all captured with hidden camera with minutes of entering the park, and taken to security... and my buddy was fired within the week. Its like a cruise ship,... whether you see the cameras or not, every square inch of that park is under video surveilance.

How exactly would you EXPECT them to react with someone climbing the fence and putting a Guatamano Bay figure next to a ride, on the anniversary of 9-11. That could be deemed a terrorist threat, easily. They'd be stupid NOT to detain everyone they felt was involved.

Regarding the photo, there's nothing to indicate the one photo they showed was even taken by Theirry. All the public was there taking photos, too.


Disneyland does indeed have a security force. They have uniforms and badges and everything. Most of them are retired law enforcement. They can and do detain park guests in a manner that skirts legality.


There is no proof that Disney detained anybody except thierry and "Banksy" claiming they did. Also there is no proof that guy in the hood with face blackened and his voice digitally edited was "Banksy." It could have been anybody. How do you know it was Banksy or if he's just one person or if he's even alive still? Maybe a bunch of copycats keep his name alive. Maybe he is a collective with a Factory making stuff and teams going out doing stencils around the city. Why believe what people say in a "documentary"?


If they had cameras all over why didn't they catch Mr. "Banksy" in the act or before he had a chance to put in different clothes? Let's go even further. How do you know that was Banksy or that anyone was detained by Disney? All you have is a STORY, get it? Banksy hides behind anonymity. He could be anybody. Anybody can pretend to be him and copy his style. Maybe he has a collective of people who put up stencils around the city. The movie certainly suggests that. Why believe he is Banksy just because the movies tells us that?
