interesting take on the movie
Found this interesting review of the movie and wanted to share it here
Found this interesting review of the movie and wanted to share it here
It is an interersting review. Perhaps a bit too fanboyish, but good. I like the notice of role reversal- Thierry becomes the artist, Banksy becomes the filmmaker.
But I think the author's adoration of Banksy misleads him or her. This quote in particular is telling:
I believe that Banksy made a movie to make statement, perhaps to the world or perhaps to himself, “Here is exactly the type of an Artist I don’t want to become”.
I agree 100%.
But then how can you also think that the movie is completely "real"? How can you believe that this Thierry person overnight was, without help, able to go from dweeby thrift store owner and bad videographer to brilliant satirist and auteur of an art show which displayed hundreds of art pieces and garnered hundreds of thousands of $ in revenue?
And how can you believe the end where Banksy says he is so jealous and resentful of Thierry. But then decided to make a freaking movie which celebrates Thierry's success? Please.
Take a closer look at Thierry's art. Consider the theme of social de-construction and irony. Whose art does it remind you of? The answer should be "Banksy's". It was Banksy's art. Reading between the lines, Banksy was disgusted by the fawning, hype-driven fans and critics of his first art show in L.A. so he decided to make fun of them by using Thierry and pretending it was all his art, illustrating the L.A. art scene is all about hype not "talent".
Consider the names- "Mr. Brainwash". "Exit Through the Gift Shop". Notice the end of the movie has a solid-appearing brick wall being knocked down. Understand the symbolism of that. As a "real" movie this is not very believable. As social satire and audience deception, it is brilliant.
How can you believe that this Thierry person overnight was, without help, able to go from dweeby thrift store owner and bad videographer to brilliant satirist and auteur of an art show which displayed hundreds of art pieces and garnered hundreds of thousands of $ in revenue?
Take a closer look at Thierry's art. Consider the theme of social de-construction and irony. Whose art does it remind you of? The answer should be "Banksy's". It was Banksy's art.