Exit to the Gift Shop: Fact or Fiction? A mystery solved...
A lot of people have perpetuated the misguided rumor that Exit Through the Gift Shop is a hoax rather than a documentary, and that ultimately the film is just a big fat joke on all of us, the audience[1,2,3].
Let’s put that baseless rumor, which may have cost the film an Academy Award for "Best Documentary Feature"[4], to rest.
What is it, exactly, about Exit that people think is a hoax? Let’s go through the possibilities:
1.) The whole thing is a hoax: the street art footage, Thierry Guetta (aka “Mr. Brainwash”), all of it. This claim asserts that it’s not a documentary at all; the entire film was staged.
2.) The street art stuff in the beginning is real, but Thierry Guetta isn’t real, he’s a fictional character.
3.) All of the events in the film actually happened, but it was all masterminded by Banksy.
There really aren’t many other options that would qualify the film as a hoax. It’s either one of those three, or some mixture of them, because if it’s none of those possibilities then there really isn’t much left to call a "hoax.” So let’s see if any of these three hoax theories could apply. The large and growing list of supporting citations is provided at the bottom of this post so you can investigate all of the evidence for yourself.
Here’s what the body of evidence says about the three possible hoax theories:
Claim 1.) “The whole thing is a hoax”
It’s very clear that the whole thing can’t be a hoax, for myriad well-documented reasons, including these: Banksy and Shepard Fairey are well-established and successful artists and not fictional characters[6,7]; “Mr. Brainwash” was on the cover of the L.A. Weekly the week before his “Life is Beautiful” show opened in Los Angeles[8,9]; the show actually happened and was covered by the mainstream press[10]; Guetta has shown his “art” following his Los Angeles and Manhattan debuts with another show called “Icons”[11] which displayed his “Celebration” album cover artwork which had been commissioned by Madonna[12,13]; Banksy did have a wildly popular art show called “Barely Legal” in Los Angeles in 2006, which featured an elephant painted like wallpaper[14]; the Disneyland incident with the Guantanamo prisoner doll actually happened and was covered by the BBC[15]; Guetta’s plagiarism recently got him into trouble with the photographer of Run DMC and he lost the resulting copyright infringement lawsuit[16].
Claim 2.) “Thierry Guetta isn’t real, he’s a fictional character”
Thierry Guetta is a real man who owned a “vintage” clothing store in Los Angeles (which was a French clothing import outlet)[17], who videotaped everything indiscriminately, and real people had real mental breakdowns having to sift through his mountains of awful video footage[18]. Many people have spoken to him and interviewed him in person for print and television[17,19]. He’s not Banksy, as some have alleged (Banksy is known to be English and the public records prove that Guetta immigrated to the U.S. with his family in the 80's[17], and the landmark legal battle Thierry Guetta recently lost regarding plagiarism charges is expected to have a far-reaching and macabre impact on contemporary art and artists[16]. He's still making boring and woefully-derivative "street art” and his shows have been fully covered by the mainstream press[8,9,10,11].
Claim 3.) “It was all masterminded by Banksy”
The idea of Banksy as a kind of "puppet-master" orchestrating the events of the film is somewhat trickier to refute, because this possibility concedes that nearly all or completely all of the film actually occurred as we're shown. In this scenario, we’re being asked to believe that it was all somehow masterfully orchestrated behind-the-scenes by the invisible hand of Banksy. Therefore, the film really is a documentary, but it’s a documentary of a secretly staged event. But upon close examination even this is difficult to accept. Why? For starters, the entire first half of the film shows the rapid rise of the underground street art movement to a glitzy mainstream phenomenon. It’s fairly obvious that this was a rather surprising transition to Shepard Fairey and Banksy, as well as the other street artists involved. And it would seem to be a rather audacious and Herculean task to plan and execute a global art movement on a short timetable. So the first half of the film certainly doesn’t appear to be staged for the purpose of making a film about it later on. So the only part that might have been staged is Guetta’s art opening: the sudden and eerily regrettable advent of the “Mr. Brainwash” publicity vehicle. Banksy did come right out and admit in Exit Through the Gift Shop that he was responsible for putting the idea for a show in Guetta’s head. But did he know that Guetta would turn his first opening into such a monstrous media-tastic mega-spectacle? Apparently not, because Guetta plainly states that Banksy had only suggested a small, fledgling show, rather than a monstrously ambitious and vapidly sensationalistic 500-kiloton implosion of the street art movement[20]. To the contrary, the other artists, Banksy included, all seem unanimously unsettled by the grim irony of Guetta’s creation of the pre-sold-out and pre-trademarked[21] “Mr. Brainwash” brand of extravagantly-priced and freakishly derivative "art-like products." Their reactions are akin to someone showing Michelangelo a complete line of plastic novelty mugs featuring bawdy approximations of David, La Pieta and the Sistine Chapel – aghast at the ultimate fruition of his labors, we might see him recoil in horror to reconsider his pursuit of a career in the arts. Even today, nobody involved seems to be gleeful about the outcome. They all seem to feel, well, somewhat sullied by it.
To finish up, let’s look at what the artists themselves have said about these hoax accusations. Shepard Fairey “swears to God” that the film is not a hoax[22]. Banksy states uncategorically that it’s 100% true[23], taken from real footage, and argues that this is simply a case of life being stranger than fiction[24].
So if we cut right down to the bone, it comes to this: are Banksy and Shepard Fairey (and Thierry Guetta and everyone else involved in the film) simply *liars?* That strikes me as a cruel and baseless accusation: Banksy has always laughed *with us* not *at us* and Fairey has always seemed like a straight shooter. And what motive would these men have to jeopardize their integrity by continuing to lie about this year after year? Money? Fame? A hearty chuckle? They already had all these things before this film was made. And even people who are angry enough to sue these guys stand by the assertion that the film is what it appears to be[17]: a comitragic documentary illustrating just how jacked up the art scene has become since Andy Warhol’s era of whimsical irony.
In fact in all my digging, I haven’t been able to find *one* piece of evidence that this film is in any way a hoax.
If someone can provide objective evidence to the contrary, I’m all ears. Til then, I’m labeling this issue “Case Closed.”
Cited Evidence:
[1] An awful article called "Here's Why the Banksy Movie Is a Banksy Prank" by Alissa Walker…this is what happens when journalism gives way to blogging:
[2] An inaccurately-named article called “Exit Through the Gift Shop: The Truth Behind the Film” by John Hargrave, which is simply a podium for Mr. Hargrave’s unfounded suspicions, not a legitimate fact-finding investigation into the film leading to a sound conclusion (as the title suggests):
http://www.zug.com/live/84578/Exit-Through-the-Gift-Shop-The-Truth-Beh ind-the-Film-SPOILER.html
[3] A typically blog article called “Banksy Film Is A [Fantastic] Fraud” by Joshua Glazer, showcases the crucial distinction between a fact-based and reasonable argument, versus an entirely subjective opinion-based argument. At least this blogger ultimately admits that he hasn’t actually proven his allegation that the film is a fraud, as his blog title asserts:
[4] Exit Through the Gift Shop was nominated for “Best Documentary Feature,” but lost to Inside Job (which is widely regarded as an inferior film to Exit) amid a flurry of hoax allegations forwarded by bloggers and critics alike:
http://oscar.go.com/nominations/category/documentary-feature/synopsis/ exit-through-the-gift-shop/687163
[5] Banksy’s work is that of a provocateur, not a hoaxster.
[6] Banksy is a real and well-established artist:
[7] Shepard Fairey is a real and well-established artist:
[8] “Mr. Brainwash” on the cover of the L.A. Weekly:
http://graffiti.graffhead.com/2008/06/mr-brainwash-on-cover-of-la-week ly.html
[9] L.A. Weekly article about Thierry Guetta’s first art show “Life is Beautiful” occurred in Los Angeles:
[10] Guetta’s show “Life is Beautiful” generated independent reviews and interviews:
[11] Video report by the BBC on Thierry Guetta’s second show called "Icons" which opened in Manhattan:
[12] Madonna hired Thierry Guetta to create her “Celebration” album cover:
http://www.artrepublic.com/articles/149-mr-brainwash-creates-artwork-f or-madonna-album-cover.html
[13] Madonna’s “Celebration” artwork by Thierry Guetta aka “Mr. Brainwash”:
http://www.madonna.com/news/title/a-celebration-of-madonna-music--the- ultimate-greatest-hits-collection-september-28th-release
[14] Banksy’s show “Barely Legal” did open in Los Angeles in 2006, as seen in the film:
[15] Banksy tied a mock-up of a Guantanamo prisoner to a Disneyland park fence:
[16] Thierry Guetta lost a copyright infringement lawsuit in Los Angeles, demonstrating that “Mr. Brainwash” is not a hoax:
“further evidence has emerged that Oscar-nominated documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop was not a hoax after a court ruled against its subject, street artist Thierry Guetta, in a high-profile copyright case.”
Glen Friedman, a well-known photographer, successfully sued Guetta for breach of copyright after a federal judge ruled that a photograph of the rap group Run DMC, which Guetta manipulated for his piece, could be protected by copyright. A further hearing will decide the extent of damages.”
http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2011/jun/08/banksy-thierry-guetta-lawsu it
[17] Los Angeles Times writer Jason Felch, through this exemplary and well-researched piece of investigative journalism, discovered that Thierry Guetta has had at least two clothing businesses in the Los Angeles area over the years: Vintage Supermarket, and Rugsaver: The Vintage Shop:
http://articles.latimes.com/2011/feb/22/entertainment/la-et-oscar-exit -20110222
[18] One of the editors of Thierry Guetta’s many years of maddeningly and endlessly meandering video tapes had this to say:
“In fact, if you want to replicate Thierry’s footage all you need to do is strap a camera to the hood of a muscle car, remove the steering wheel, hit record and drop a brick on the gas pedal.
All of this is to say that in the time I spent with Thierry’s footage I found that he is without a doubt absolutely fundamentally lacking any self-awareness.
Which is the exact reason people seem to think that he’s a character constructed by Banksy and Shepard. How could anyone possibly stand behind the work he does? How could someone keep a straight face while standing next to a painting of Larry King in a Warhol Marilyn wig? How could people believe him?
I don’t know, in fact I have no idea, but I know that Thierry Guetta is real because I spent weeks and weeks wishing he weren’t.”
[19] Mr. Guetta had an interview in New York City shortly before his art show “Icons” opened:
http://www.blackbookmag.com/article/an-interview-with-mr-brainwash/163 21
[20] Guetta has said that Banksy suggested a small show, not an epic cultural bombshell: “He told me ‘do a small show.’ But I’m a person that is kind of crazy. I like to do things and when I think of 100 things I do 2,000. I do not stop.”
http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/film /article7041650.ece
[21] Thierry Guetta owns the trademark for his “Mr. Brainwash” moniker:
[22] Shepard Fairey swears to God that Exit is not a hoax:
http://www.vanityfair.com/online/oscars/2010/04/shepard-fairey-swears- to-god-the-banksy-movie-is-not-a-hoax.html
[23] “’The film’s power comes from the fact it’s all 100 percent true,' Banksy said in a recent interview” conducted, as all of his are, by e-mail with the blog All These Wonderful Things. 'This is from the front line, this is watching an art form self-combust in front of you. Told by the people involved. In real time. This is a very real film about what it means to ‘keep it real.’’"
[24] “'I don’t know why so many people have been fooled into thinking this film is fake,' Banksy, or someone purporting to be he, wrote in an e-mail message from Los Angeles, where the film had a premiere on Monday night. 'It’s a true story from real footage. Does it bother me people don’t believe it? I could never have written a script this funny.'"
[25] December 2011, Mr. Brainwash's second show in Los Angeles
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/culturemonster/2011/12/mr-brainwash-is -back-with-another-mega-show-in-la.html
[26] August 1012, Mr. Brainwash show in London
http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/art/features/mr-brainw ash-banksys-streetart-protg-and-his-latest-brainwave-8001407.html
Additional Support:
[27] A plausible reason why people would say that the film to be a hoax: “everyone’s quick to jump to the hoax conclusion as a defensive stance, since if we believe it’s a hoax, we won’t be revealed to be gullible or naive. We can be revealed to be cynical, but that’s not much of a knock these days.”
[28] Robert Ebert rejects the hoax hypothesis:
“(1) Exit Through the Gift Shop is an admirable and entertaining documentary; (2) I believe it is not a hoax; (3) I would not much want a Thierry Guetta original; (4) I like Thierry Guetta, and (5) Banksy, the creator of this film, is a gifted filmmaker whose thoughts, as he regards Guetta, must resemble those of Victor Frankenstein when he regarded his monster.”
http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100428/REV IEWS/100429978
The observer is the observed. - Jiddu Krishnamurtishare