Does it pick up after season 7?
I loved the first season. Especially when the family came up with various funny scams that fixed their problems and set their enemies in their place.
Then the show got progressively more depressing with each season, with loooong bouts of alcoholism, drug abuse, bipolar disorder, etc.. Just all around sad storylines that went on and on and on. And even when once in a while they made you think that one of these issues might be over and done with, they slapped you right back down with even more of the same old material.
It's like the writers tried their utmost to drain the show of any entertainment value what so ever. And season 7 was just a pain to get through, so I just stopped watching after that.
But does it pick up again and find back to it's more entertaining roots after that? Or is it just more of the same depressing sludge...?