>>> She's basically the only level-headed person on the show with any grounding in reality.
I think in some ways Sean's understanding of life is more realistic than Beverly's.
It was Beverly who thought they could just decline the offers for the new show, this season, because in her words
"We've never worried about money before."
And it was Sean who understood that money is a real life concern, and if you just-turn-your-back on a huge money offer, then it might come back to bite you in the future. Because just because you've been blissfully unconcerned about money up to now, doesn't mean you should blissfully remain unconcerned as you head into an uncertain future. You shouldn't be so willing to decline huge money offers that come along, without at least giving it very serious thought. Sean understood this, while Beverly, not so much.
And it's Sean who understands, much more so than Beverly does, that the world works through compromise.
Beverly: "Don't you ever get tired of compromising?"
Sean: "That's the way the world works".
Beverly is smart, but in some ways she is kind of naive and sheltered.
>>> Sean is an optimist, and tends to get caught up in the 'magic'
I think Sean just wants to prove himself in the ultimate proving grounds, and on the biggest "stage". Which have long been considered Hollywood when it comes to tv and movies.