Don't say Jewish!!! Don't say JEWISH!!!
That part was hilarious. SOOOOOO true. IDK why Jews deny controlling Hollywood. Our names are right there!
shareThat part was hilarious. SOOOOOO true. IDK why Jews deny controlling Hollywood. Our names are right there!
>>> Our names are right there!
It is true there are a lot of Jewish power brokers in Hollywood. It is also true that there are a lot of non-Jewish power brokers in Hollywood.
It is not true that Jews "control" Hollywood. That implies some kind of Jewish agenda. Or that Hollywood is being "driven" in some "Jewish way" for some "Jewish" ends, or is "driven by some "Jewish mannerisms".
There is a huge difference between
Quite a few (but hardly all) of the power brokers in Hollywood are Jewish
Jews "control" Hollywood.
It's interesting how many industries are said to be run by jews or are at least stereotypically jewish professions
lawyers, doctors, big business, small business, banking, accountancy.
It's almost as though they're able to work in as many jobs as anyone else.
Look at the names of Hollywood executives, and the union execs. All Jewish, last time I checked. Being on the inside, I can tell you it's like being in a union. You won't get a job because you're Jewish, but you'll get moved to the front of the line. Jews aren't the only people to be into families, and education. Most of my Indian friends are doctors or pharmacist. Banking, there's a disproportionate amount of Jews, compared to the rest of the population. That's why it gets that name.
Jews do have an agenda in Hollywood. Dominate, control, so no one can make them change their last name. Or, not hire them cause they're Jewish. So, we take it a step further, and help each other when we can. Most other ethnic groups do the same thing in their respective industries.
Jews aren't immune to nepotism.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE JEWS CONTROL THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everything from economics (banking), to business, to the law (lawyers), to entertainment (Hollywood). IT'S ALL OURS!!!!!!!!
Everything except sports. DAMM IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're just not that macho. But we make up for that by being more sly, and clever, and cunning than everybody else.
Pity those poor souls from India. All they get are the pharmacies. But on the other hand, they can grab the world, just by poisoning us all.
You're not really Jewish, are you?? You're just pretending to be.
>>> Banking, there's a disproportionate amount of Jews, compared to the rest of the population. That's why it gets that name.
Now, if you actually were Jewish, you'd likely know the actual origins of that stereotype.
The Merchant of Venice, right? I'm not of The Tribe so I really don't know.
But I wish I belived in ZOG and a Jewish agenda. My life would be so easy. Get fired? It's zee jews. Your team loses their big game? Der ewige jude... Didn't like the movie you just payed.. whatever the ticket price is? Them jews again..
Ok, I really don't wish that. But it would be so easy.
>>> The Merchant of Venice, right?
You're on the right track. The stereotype didn't start with that play, (the stereotype predates the play), but the play reflects the historical reasons for those widespread perceptions of Jews, that created the stereotype.
Is it the famous court case of Jesus v. Money Lenders?
If you take life too seriously it stops being funny.
In the Middle-ages the Christian Church deemed the business of money-lending for profit/interest to be a sin, and forbid Christians from engaging in that profession. But at the same time it was recognized that money-lending served an important purpose for an economy, so Jews (whose religion didn't consider "money-lending" to be sinful) were encouraged to be money-lenders. Thus the Christian world considered money-lending to be a necessary evil, but they didn't want Christians to dirty their hands with it. Thus Jews (who were already look down on with distain by the Christian world) were encouraged to do it. The Christian world considered the "low life/blasphormous" Jews and the sinful but necessary business of money-lending to be a good match. And thus a lot of Jews became moneylenders. In part because it was one of the jobs that Jews were allowed to have. There were quite a few jobs that were forbidden to Jews, but money-lending was one of the jobs that Jews were allowed to take partake in. But because the Christian world viewed money-lending as sinful, Christians distained Jews even more then they already did, for being money-lenders; even though the Christian world needed money lenders and created a system that encouraged (or pushed) Jews to be money-lenders.
Not all Jews were money-lenders, (a lot weren't), but it is true that a lot of money-lenders in Europe, were Jews. And thus the stereotype of the money-hungry/immoral (Christians considered money-lending to be sinful), Jewish money-lender/banker was born. But that was a loooooong time ago, and Christianity stopped viewing "money-lending" as sinful, hundreds of years ago.
That was an interesting read. Thank you for posting it.
If you take life too seriously it stops being funny.
Personally, I liked -
"Anyone who's an as*hole, get out of my house...take your f'in grapefruit candles".share
You just cant say anything about jews without it being taken the wrong way, or in a way far worse than it was actually intended.
Saying the jews control hollywood is somehow an insult? Why, because they dont want to be thought of as the people in power? Because they like the security that comes with being thought of as "the little guy" trying to pick himself up after the events of word war 2.
If jews dont control hollywood why do we have so many movies about the holocaust? The greater tragedy of that time was surely that of the chinese at the hands of the japanese? Wheres all there movies? its estimated that around 20 million chinese died in between 1937 and 1945, in much the same horrific ways that the jews suffered. Yet, no one gives a crap. but we MUST feel sorry for the jews, or your just anti-Semitic. which is apparently much much worse then any other form of bigotry.
Mel gibson says a bunch of antisemetic *beep* almost 10 years ago, gets *beep* in hollywood for almost 10 years. Roman polanski rapes a 13 year old girl, hollywood wants his conviction to be quashed. Its easy to see where the ines are drawn in hollywood.
What I lack in talent, I make up for in my pants!
>>> but we MUST feel sorry for the jews, or you're just anti-semitic.
Well, you sure seem to be.
LOL!!!! After reading your post why in the world would anyone think you are harboring some anger and resentment against Jews????
But you really don't have a conscious clue that you are, do you??
I don't hate any group of people based on their skin colour, religion or sexual orientation. Maybe you do which is why it's all you see.
Just because someone is Jewish doesn't mean they can't be prone to nepotism, or have a biased veiw of history. And because there is such a large group in Hollywood it's easy to spot it and therefore comment on it. The truth isn't anti Semitic it's just the truth. Deal with it.
What I lack in talent, I make up for in my pants!
Like I said, you don't have a conscious clue.
In your narrow self serving view.
>>> Just because someone is Jewish doesn't mean they can't be prone to nepotism.
While most Jews feel a connection to Judaism, and there are certainly Jewish individuals and organizations out there pursuing Jewish "interests", and while there are also some insular Jewish "communities", the vast majority of American Jews are pretty well assimilated into American society/culture. The vast majority of Jews consider themselves to be Americans 1st, and Jews 2nd.
And thus, for most of us, our primary concerns are having a good job, taking care of our family, providing for our future, and building some kind of lives for ourselves and our family. Most of us are not driven by a need for "nepotism". When we hire or advance employees, it tends to be because we feel they are the ones who will best serve our business. It doesn't tend to be because they are Jewish.
And btw, are you and the op the same person?? You 2 do speak in the same vernacular. Did the op bring a sock aboard to provide support??
Im not and never have been talking about jews, I was very clear that Im talking about hollywood jews. And more over I was also very clear that I wasnt singling out jews as the only group that look out for their own. You seem to be determined to take offence in that Im refering to all jews, as is it was a trait.
And no Im not the op. And that is without doubt the worst attempt to undermine a point of view Ive ever seen.
Go away, you have no idea what you are talking about, whether it be Jews, or Hollywood Jews, or Hollywood, or your anti-semtisim, or even movies about the "Rape of Nanking".
>>> And no Im not the op.
And yet I remain unsure. I wouldn't expect you to admit it, if you were.
LOLLLL!!!!!! You have no idea what you are talking about. And yet you are absolutely convinced you do.
(sigh), am I really going to have to deal with you?? It does get tired. You are so full of b.s. It would be a refreshing if a person like you at least brought some kind of original thought to his/her b.s. but it's obvious said original thought is not going to come from you. It's just the same old b.s.
And also, to be honest, I don't tend to come to a board like "episodes", to deal with such b.s.
But anyhew, (you don't mind that I clicked on this post, rather then your most recent one, do you?)
>>> The greater tragedy of that time was surely that of the chinese at the hands of the Japanese? Wheres all there movies?
Such movies have been around. You just didn't bother to notice them. And the fact that you didn't notice them indicates how little you actually care about what happened to the Chinese at the hands of the Japanese. You don't give a dam about what happened to the Chinese. You just see their tragedy, as something to be thrown against Jews, and all those "annoying" Holocaust movies.
Recent movies (made or distributed by Hollywood) about the Japanese "Rape of Nanking" include
"Nanking"- (2007)
"The children of Huang Shi- (2008)
"John Rabe"- (2010)
"City of life and death- (2011)
"Flowers of war- (2011)
It is true that there haven't been as many movies about this, as there has been about the Holocaust, but that has more to do with Hollywood being white, then it has to do with Hollywood being Jewish. And it has more to do with American audiences being white, and having more interest in movies dealing with white European history, then in Asian history. And the fact is that a great MANY more movies in Hollywood get made about "white issues/history", then get made about Asian issues/history.
>>> But we MUST feel sorry for the jews.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is not some kind of contest where the only ones worthy of your sympathy/empathy is the group with the highest body count. You should feel bad about what happened to the Jews. And you should have some sense that what happened to them was terrible/tragic/evil, and just plain wrong. Just like you should feel that what the Japanese did to the Chinese was terrible/tragic/evil, and just plain wrong. And just like you should think what happened in Rwanda, and Cambodia, and African-Americans (under slavery), etc, was terrible/tragic/evil, and just plain wrong.
One doesn't say you don't give a dam about what happened in Rwanda, because the body-count was only a mere
million, compared to the 6 million Jews during the Holocaust. And likewise you don't say you don't care about the Jews of the Holocaust, because the Japanese killed more Chinese.
The fact that you have so little empathy/sympathy for the Jews of the Holocaust, indicates that you are not a person of much sympathy/empathy. Which means you also probably have very little sympathy/empathy for the WW2 Chinese victims of the Japanese. And, again, are just using their tragedy as something to throw at Jews.
>>> or you're just anti-Semitic . Which is apparently much worse then any other form of bigotry.
Jews have never claim anti-semiticism was worse then any other bigotry out there. In fact, a lot of Jews and Jewish groups were in the forefront among allies to African-Americans, in the civil right movement, because Jews felt kinship to African-Americans in their struggle, and Jews understood that racial hate is a terrible thing, even when it is directed at people other then Jews.
But it is true, that historically speaking, Jews have endured vicious persecution longer and more consistently then just about any other group. It started loooooooooooooooong before the Holocaust.
>>> in much the same horrific ways that the Jews suffered
In the period you mention, the Japanese did many terrible things to the Chinese, and the death toll was terrible. But here is what the Japanese didn't do. The Japanese never implemented a FINAL SOLUTION to the "Chinese problem" deliberately intended to exterminate the entire Chinese race from the face of Asia. And millions of Chinese (men/women/children/toddlers/infants were not systematically murdered, for no other reason other then they were born Chinese. And the Japanese did not succeed in exterminating 2/3rds of the Chinese population of Asia. (while the Nazis did exterminate 2/3rds of European Jews, and only failed to exterminate the remaining 3rd, because the Nazis lost the war.)
>>> Saying the Jews control Hollywood is somehow an insult?
Number 1, it's not true. There are a lot of Jewish power-brokers in Hollywood, but there are also a lot of non-Jewish power broker in Hollywood. But you only notice the Jewish ones. I wonder why????
Number 2, the idea that Jews "control" certain things/industries/businesses, etc, has been one of the cornerstones of anti-semiticism for hundreds of years. It has played a BIG role in spreading hate against Jews.
Number 3, if you perceive the Jews as controlling Hollywood, then it is very easy to make them the scapegoats for everything you think is wrong with Hollywood. (And that is the same for any industry you perceive the Jews as controlling.) And since Hollywood can have a definite influence on society/the country, it's easy to scapegoat the Jews for problems you have with the country.
Number 4, if you perceive the Jews as being in control of Hollywood, then one can easily built up a resentment of Jews for building an insular industry, that excludes others from power.
Number 5, if you perceive the Jews of controlling Hollywood, then it is easy to perceive them of controlling a very powerful and influential medium, to advance an agenda/interests, that you don't share, and perhaps, detest. And thus again, resentment, and distain against Jews grows.
As for the backlash of Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic comments, have you noticed these days there is also a lot of outrage when people make racist/homophobic comments????
man you really are desperate to twist everything huh? Is that a Jew thing or just a internet dick thing? I'm done with you little child. Rant and rave all you like. It's sad really that you're so defensive. You take care pet.
And this is one of the most pathetic attempts to put up a smoke-screen that I've ever seen.
sharekenneglds do jews feel empathy/sympathy for palestinians ?
what about Rothchilds sponsoring all recent major wars?
All of us on the planet have ancestors that were opressed,killed,enslaved etc
History didn't start 100 years ago. So why feel more empathy for one nation rather than the other?
What about all thise people killed,sent to Siberia by Stalin? It's 10 times more than Hitler killed jews , but do you see as many talks , movies , people feeling bad about it?
>>> kenneglds do jews feel empathy/sympathy for palestinians?
Do you think all Jews fit into the same "box"???? Or are of one mind?? You don't know what you are talking about if that's what you think.
As for the Paletinians, some Jews have sympathy for them, and some don't. A lot of Jews are hard-liners on the issue,and a lot of other Jews are moderates. A lot of Jews don't want to give the Palestainians an inch, and a lot of other Jews want to work out a compromise that has some fairness to both Palestnians and Jews. American Jews are sharply divided on this. And so are Israeli Jews. Plus the history of the Israel/Palestanian issue is, very tangled, and very complex.
Plus, some of the biggest USA supporters of extreme Israel policy involving the Palestinian issue, are right-wing Christians/Christian organizations.
>>> what about Rothchild's sponsoring all recent major wars?
Huh??????????????? I don't speak for Rothchilds. But apparently you think that Rothchilds represents all Jews.
>>> All of us on the planet have ancestors that were oppressed, killed, enslaved, etc.
Well, I don't know who your ancestors were, but if you think your ancestors suffered the same degree and amount of oppression, persecution, over the course of history as the Jews did, then you are most likely mistaken.
>>> History didn't start 100 years ago.
(sigh), and neither did oppression/persecution of Jews. If you think these things just started 100 years ago, you have no idea what you are talking about.
>>> So why feel more empathy for one nation rather than the other?
When did I say you should do that. You should feel empathy for any people who have been great persecuted/wronged/slaughtered. However, there are some people who will use the fact that other people (other then Jews) have also been persecuted/wrong/slaughted, to argue that one shouldn't have sympathy/empathy for what the Jews endured. As in "other people also suffered $-hit, so why feel sorry for Jews?
However, empathy dictates that you do feel sympathy for Jews, as well as any other people who have been oppressed So, if you don't feel empathy for Jews, then you're likely not a person of much empathy, and may be harboring some anti-Semitic feelings. And you're just using the idea that other people have also suffered, as an excuse to not have any sympathy for what the Jews endured.
>>> What about all those people kill, sent to Siberia by Stalin. It's 10 times more than Hitler killed jews, but do you see as many talks, movies, people feeling bad about it?
So you're point apparently is, that what Hitler did is not that big a deal, because Stalin also did terrible things. Your point is ridiculous. One should dam what Stalin did, and also what Hitler did. And one should have sympathy/empathy for both the Jewish victim of Hitler, and the victims of Stalin. And forgive me for not knowing that Stalin hasn't been dammed by history and common perception. I was under the impression that he has been dammed. And the same thing I said about the Japanese not implementing a "final solution", is also true about Stalin. And while Stalin produced a huge body count, his victims comprised many different ethinicities. Stalin was not out to wipe-out an entire/particular ethnicity. And a lot of his victims were people he considered to be enemies, or people he thought were some kind of threat to him. Or people whose slaughter he thought would be pragmatic to his aims. Or people who opposed/defied him. And one of the groups who suffered the most persecution under Stalin were the JEWS.
But like the other poster, it seems you too think this all work according to some kind of scorecard of body count. That one shouldn't feel empathy for the Jews, because somebody produced an overall higher body count. You and the other poster have this mindset in common. Which is only 1 reason why I wonder if you too are a sock for the op.
But enough of this, I didn't come to this board to engage in this kind of b.s. If you don't want to have empathy for what was done to the Jews during the Holacaust, so be it. If you want to find excuses to not have said empathy, again so be it. Frankly, I don't give a dam. One can still find anti-semeticism sentiment in the world, so it's no great surprise that one can also find some on the "Episodes" board.
^ this