I enjoyed it, thought it was really funny, already looking forward to Season 5.
I loved that line near the end - "It's like frozen without the songs" - lol cracked me up! :)
I'm not sure about the new guy though, so far I've found him more annoying than funny. Perhaps his character will grow on you but right now I'm hoping he's written out quickly.
There's been some funny moments. Matt Le Blanc running round with crabs, the David Schwimmer cameo. But I feel as a whole they're not really going any where with the series any more.
Now Pucks has finished, a lot of what they do seem aimless. This game show they invented seemed done as an excuse to keep Matt Le Blanc and Merc in the series. And it seems odd Sean and Beverley would be fooled into staying around to make a second show after their experiences making the first.
Basically what I'm saying is, the show feels like it's rehashing old story lines and jokes. But it's still amusing in parts.
(Warning: Slight spoilers) I also thought the fourth season didn't really reach the quality of the first three (with the third already being just a bit less well-written than the first two). But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. The cliffhanger with Carol took the thing in an unexpected direction, and obviously the new show could provide them with a whole new set of problems. But I agree that the premise has an integrated (and not too distant) expiration date, unless the writers come up with something brilliant.
I quite enjoyed it but it wasn't on the same level as the first 3 seasons.
I think it's going to end up going the way of Californication when there's only so much you can do and each series is basically a repeat of the last with a different supporting character in a main role for that run of shows.
In the second and third season, it was about the show and how screwed up Joey is, and how to run the show with English people in Hollywood. There was the story.
Now the fourth season was clearly different, because it was an Parade of idiotic characters who were clueless, but mostly mean for no reason at all. And the mean thing is driving the show now.
Also, since the show is shot differently in the UK, it lacks cohesion and an overall arc. People have their own scenes and the set looks way too fake.
I will watch a fifth season just to see if they keep up the mean, disconnected style as a replacement for seasons 1-3 for well written funny scenes.
Season 4 was worse. Lìke you said, it centered on mean stuff and I <beep> hated so many characters, like Tim. And in the end, the lesbian witch boss.. the last episode was horrible, hated it. Just mean stuff, not funny at all. What got me the most was how the most innocent, albeit lost and child-like character was treated, she just needed some security and true love, and was totally broken down in the end.. in fact, seeing how mean the show got, I almost waited for a final scene where she would hang herself after founding out the Sotto betrayal. Poor writing.
While I agree that the season did not reach the quality of the first three, it set up some really interesting stories for Season 5. As for the mean thing: this is how British shows work. You pile bad stuff on top of the characters until you think it can't get any worse, and then you pile on some more. This is what makes shows like League of Gentlemen and The Inbetweeners legendary, and I love it.
Couldn't disagree more. Britcom I watch is not like what season 4 of Episodes was. This was so mean spirited that it was painful to watch. I wouldn't compare this show to League of Gentlemen at all, totally different style. I haven't seen Inbetweeners so I can't comment on that.
It killed me how horribly this season treated poor Carol. She did absolutely nothing to deserve the crapstorm that got dumped on her. It wasn't funny, I just felt really bad for her. And Sean had absolutely no story line. He seemed to exist just to piss off Matt.