Not good at all.Filled with way to many black cliches.
Not funny at all.
Not just black cliches, the whole episode was one big stereotype! The Korean girl, the receiptionist, the gay guys. I wish that I could have that hour of my life back, somehow I thought the second episode would be better.
shareI can't remember the last time I saw a sitcom that terrible. I'm shocked it's even getting a test run. The best part was the theme song, it had a nice classic tone to it.
shareI was still waiting to laugh
Naveen: Yeah you've done it! For me!
Dr. Facilier: Oh I've done it!
Still better than House of Payne and Meet the Browns.
Zina ( The Original Princess)
I honestly don't know which one is worst.
I couldn't get pass the first ten minutes. What is this show even about?
Naveen: Yeah you've done it! For me!
Dr. Facilier: Oh I've done it!
This show makes HOP and MTB look good....LOL!!