MovieChat Forums > Love That Girl! (2010) Discussion > What could they change to make it work?

What could they change to make it work?

I'd like to see the show prosper but I think that some changes need to be made. Pilot episodes/First seasons always need some tweaking but with a little work, I think it could be saved.

1. Get rid of the gay couple. Too stereotypical and blatant.
2. The brother is not all that fummy to me. Try to get a different actor, more professional and tweak the storyline a bit.
3. Move show to a different station. Everyone doesn't have TV One, therefore the ratings are bound to fail.

Any other suggestions for those that would like to see more diversity in television?

Zina ( The Original Princess)


I watched it and had to keep telling myself to give it a chance. It was creeping close to horrible, but there were some bright spots. Way too many cliched characters...unoriginal and unfunny...just over the top. But, I like Tatiyana (sp?), I liked the Dad character, and I liked the friend character. I'll withold judgement until it fleshes itself out a little.


i recently peeped out the 3rd and 4th installments of the show which i must say was better than the 1st and 2nd episodes. Honestly, the show would be better if there werent too many over the top personalities for one sitcom. I can deal with the gay couple but i can not deal with two of the same personalities as the receptionist and the hair stylist. One of those hoes have got to go.



I thought the receptionist was funny as well and the dad. But the gays guys are too much! They just turn people off.

Zina ( The Original Princess)



1. Why not have one gay friend who is masculine, cool and actually funny? Not a Lenny & Squiggy knock off who are offensive to me and a lot of other gays. Kind of a cross between bruh-man and tommy. Imagine the character of Maya's husband on "Girlfriends" only gay. Just a regular gay black man.

2. The Brother is funny and cute but tone down some of the sex talk. Golden Girls taught us that you can be sexual but it doesn't have to be all that you are. Keep the brother.

3. As a gay male I appreciate the fact that the brother is not "homophobic". But unfortunately a lot of black folk are (yes i'm black). Having two silly gay characters and a transexual will make most blacks tune out. It's unfortunate but true.

4. What made Shanana funny was mostly the fact that it was Martin Lawrence portraying her. That secretary is unrealistic and unfunny. Not that people like her don't exist but why would a law firm hire her? And even if the fathers cheap ways got her the job, the daughters desire to succeed should have lost her that job. She just isn't funny. Except to a certain segment of the black community.

Finally, after Girlfriends, Half and Half, The Game and a few other well written black shows.....THIS CAN'T BE REALLY THE BEST YOU CAN DO!

I personally expected better from Martin. But maybe............?


"She just isn't funny. Except to a certain segment of the black community."

Judgemental much? I find that comment very offensive and can not understand why you would make that very incorrect observation. You of all people should understand the prejudices that go on in this world. Mostly, because being a gay black man in this day and age is still hard to deal with due to the so many closed-minded people in the world. I say this because I found the secretary funny, not because I am a "ghetto girl" or a "hoochie momma"(I am not), but because everyone doesn't like the same type of humor.


Zina ( The Original Princess)


Wow, you read much further than I wrote. Must be your own prejudices. I was speaking of the type of people who find that type of "personality" or "character" funny. And I know those people come from ALL walks of life but I still believe that they represent a small segment of the black community. I live in Southern California where rich black kids from well to do families go down to the hood so they can feel connected or "keep it real". So, I wasn't ONLY referring to the ""ghetto girl" or "hoochie momma".



"I was speaking of the type of people who find that type of "personality" or "character" funny."

Again, what TYPE of people?

Zina ( The Original Princess)


Y O U !


My statement stands. Move On because I promise you I am.

Good Bye........... . .


I gotta agree with gray47 on this one, bruthah -- you did say, "a certain segment of the black community." That phrase caught my attention, too. There is no "certain segment of the black community" when it comes to individual is by definition individual. Stop trying to validate your original statement because...fact is, it was judgmental. You seem to be a pretty insightful person in your critique of the show...use that insight to look into your own preconceptions, acknowledge your poor word choice -- and THEN move on.



yeah the gay couple is way to over the top..this show needs a lot fo work.


Thank you cataclysmmm. Well said.

Honestly I really didn't want to get into an argument regarding this however, I dissapproved of the comment. The fact that blackbruthah got upset over statements that he himself made is ridiculous. I was only proving a point that everyone likes different types of things and should not be singled out because of it. I feel no hostility towards anyone and appreciate the opportunity to give my opinion.


Zina ( The Original Princess)


Honestly I really didn't want to get into an argument regarding this
Yah, i could tell you weren't trying to make huge issue out of it...but brutha got himself all worked up and bent outta shape. The comment was probably a throwaway on his part - just kind of a thoughtless remark that he didn't realize came out so poorly. Most people would say " bad, I guess that came out wrong," as opposed to going on a longwinded attack as he did. I figured I'd have your back because I agree with what you were saying.

peace right back at you,


Zina ( The Original Princess)



Ablackbruthah I have to say that your statement "She just isn't funny. Except to a certain segment of the black community." Is offensive to me also. I myself find the receptionist to be funny so which "certain segment of the black community" do you think I belong to. You can't say because we have yet to meet. The only thing you could possibly know about me is that I happened to disagree with your opinion about a fictional television character. You don't want to be judge because of your sexual preference so please don't judge people because of what they find amusing.

And I think that the receptionist is is a keeper, maybe they should lose the gay neighbors and get edgier writers.


the brother isn't funny at all...they want him to be comic relief and just provide quick quips but he's not a comedian and the writers aren't good enough to come up w/ funny material so they need to recast him asap

Dear IMDB members stop complaining about grammar....this is the net...not elementary school


I think the brother is homophobic or at least he came across like that in the first episode. I guess the show was canceled because they only showed 4 episodes.


This show shouldn't be a comedy; Tat Ali isn't funny. It should be a bit serious, showing her trying to prove herself aa a savvy business woman, and dealing with dating/relationships and other life challenges. Any comedy should be done by the gay couple, but not so flamboyant. For other comic relief, maybe some funny relatives could visit.
The brother, who cares? He adds nothing. Same for the father.


1. Get some better writers. The writing is extremely cookie-cutter, the jokes stale. An insult that's a pun on a celebrity's name ("Scary J. Blige")is beyond tired...just because Martin's your executive producer doesn't mean you have to use gags he did on his show 15 years ago.

2. Lose the stereotypes. Tatayani's character is the newly-single career woman. Her brother's an annoying, immature slacker. Her father's a 50-year-old Carlton Banks (aka a black yuppie). The ghetto secretary. The flamboyant gay couple that's also wacky neighbors. Is anyone on this show crafted from anything other than old sitcom cliches?!

3. Ditch the laugh track. Like most other current sitcoms, it does nothing to convince me this show is funny. The random spurts of "laughter" are actually annoying.

Oh stewardess...I speak jive.
