Embarassingly bad

Whoever created this show had a chance to go against the usual black stereotypes, instead the show falls right into them. From the over acting buffoon brother, to the two horribly flamboyant gay guys, to the over the top ghetto secretary this show falls right into the trap of most black sitcoms. I was able to watch two episodes and my mouth was open in disgust and shock the whole time. Terrible sitcom that can be improved by toning down the stereotypical characters and getting better writers.


I agree with you


This is teh kinda show I'd expect on BET.

I thought tv1 targets mature adult afrAm. They dont want to see this sh*t!
Stop the ghetto secretary ImUnique(yes that is her name)
Stop having the homosexual hairstylists be so over the top.
Stop the slacker brother.


Perfectly said! I feel bad for Tatyana since she's a great actress who deserves her own show, but this dreck? It's a shame.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


I really expected more out of Cathy Hughes & Martin Lawrence..tsk tsk.

"AIN'T NOBODY COMIN TO SEE YOU OTIS!!"--David Ruffin, The Temptations(best tv movie EVER)


Embarrassing is right. The characters are too over the top and the acting is painful.

my name is not Chloe!


The show is so ghetto, I've tried watching it but it's horrible. Imunique is way too ghetto and the brother reminds me of J.J from "Good Times".


I had only seen bits and pieces in the past, but I finally sat through a full episode tonight. Bad writing, cookie-cutter plot, stereotypes that make Amos-N-Andy look like the Cosby Show, ridiculously out-of-place laugh track, and so on.

Tonight's episode bothered me with the speed dating...Tiana supposedly meets her dream man, but decides not to date him because he works as a clown for a living. Really? That's a weak premise even for a sitcom. Of course, in the end it turns out the clown is rich and owns his own company, but still.

This show is all over the place, and did nothing to stand out. Very disappointed in this one.

Oh stewardess...I speak jive.


The Speed dating episode was one of the better ones out of the 5 that I've watched!

“Marriage is wild. After you say you do, you don't for a long time."
~John Leguizamo~
